Thanks again for all of your advice. It is nice to know that I am not the only one who is dealing with such a strong willed animal. He is currently laying on the floor chewing on a nylabone as is my golden "Levi". I can't say it often enough "I LOVE NYLABONES!" Well, now he is in my lap chewing his nylabone because Levi thinks that if Taz is chewing on it, it has to be better than the one he has. LOL
Kat, the new girl again, photo's of Eesha
It is so funny isn't it, we were just crying with laughter when she was doing it!! I know!-I'm not sure I've mentioned it to her yet that she is a Basenji, might hold off telling her for a while, so she can do more crazy water stunts!!
Yeah.. definitely hold off telling her and shoot some more fun videos
Welcome to the forum and LOVE the bathing video!