• @youngandtired:

    Just how do you handle so many B's, I am amazed that you can care for that many.

    We have some funiture that the Basenji's redesigned for us.:D

    Four of ours don't get the run of the house, just the two oldest, Max(6) and Cleo(4), they are seperated most of the time from the others….Penny can hang with either group. The others are all two years or younger and we keep them in the Pet/reptile room for the most part, they still require supervision when loose in the main part of the house.:rolleyes: We use gates, seperate yards to seperate the two groups and it's a family job we all share, I'm lucky to still have my 2 son's living at home....they help.

  • All of the pictures shared are great. They are such beautiful dogs! I can't seem to get enough of them!

  • @nala121498:

    All of the pictures shared are great. They are such beautiful dogs! I can't seem to get enough of them!

    Thanks Nala, my goal is to finish Basenji Park to my liking, retire and raise Basenji's…..lot's of them.:eek:

    Tri's......gotta get me some Tri's.:D

  • The African dogs are a bit different I would agree with BBoy. My 2 Bs have African bloodlines in their pedigree.

    C3 is just a heftier dog, he's also taller & just broader at about 25-26lbs. Topaz is more traditional B looking.

    C3 is completely independent & very stubborn. He doesn't do laying on our laps or up against our legs. He sits very gentlemanly for his affection & we MUST comply otherwise he dips his head exposing his neck…as if to say "right there! Get it? Scratch right there on my neck behind the ears!" LOL 😃 He's very friendly tho.

    Topaz-loves lots of affection & likes to be cuddled a lot but also VERY independent outdoors. I need to be careful with her around strangers both in and out of the house.

  • Sounds good Basenji Boy, don't be surprised on one of my frustrated days if a tri by the name of Nala shows up on your doorstep!!

  • @nala121498:

    Sounds good Basenji Boy, don't be surprised on one of my frustrated days if a tri by the name of Nala shows up on your doorstep!!

    I'd take her in a heartbeat, but you'll never ever do that, even on the worst days.;) She'll just give you one of those looks and all would be forgiven.:)

    If I do ever get the Tri bug( I feel like I'm coming down with something already:D ), it will be for a pair of them.:eek: :eek: :eek:

  • You're so right, but I like to tease about it on "those" days! It sounds like you've got the bug for certain!

  • @nala121498:

    It sounds like you've got the bug for certain!

    It's Senjfever I think.:D

  • @Basenji_Boy:

    If I do ever get the Tri bug( I feel like I'm coming down with something already:D ), it will be for a pair of them.:eek: :eek: :eek:

    I had a red and white before, but now that I have a tri… I just think they're so beautiful! I would take four if I could!!! lol... I want more!!! but the only way I could ever get another is if somebody just dropped it off and then I'd have no choice but to keep it! 😛

    Your dogs are so beautiful! Makes me jealous 😉


  • @iluvmali:

    I had a red and white before, but now that I have a tri… I just think they're so beautiful!

    There was a Tri female in Max's litter, I liked them when I saw her.
    It's very interesting with all the different combinations of coats.

    I would take four if I could!!! lol… I want more!!! but the only way I could ever get another is if somebody just dropped it off and then I'd have no choice but to keep it! 😛

    They can be very addicting:) That's why it's fun that we have this forum and can share pictures and experiences of these wonderful creatures.

  • I love looking at Basenjis. Your B's look like my boy Duke. Though I'm not completely sure he is is full or what else he might be, because he doesn't have as short of fur as I see in most pics. I've tried contacting breeders here, but I have not gotten any response (interest) that they would meet with Duke . . . sigh . . . Thanks Basenji Boy for sharing your beautiful pride.

  • O THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE!!!! you are so lucky you can have that many dogs. I am only 16 and my parents wont allow it:( But I am TOTALLY getting more once I move out…right now I only have Missy....but she is a sweetheart...when she isnt getting into the fridge and eating all our food! loltwiddles08@hotmail.com

  • @twiddles:

    O THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE!!!! you are so lucky you can have that many dogs. I am only 16 and my parents wont allow it:( But I am TOTALLY getting more once I move out…right now I only have Missy....but she is a sweetheart...when she isnt getting into the fridge and eating all our food! lol ANYONE WANNA TALK ABOUT BASENJIS...!

    Welcome to the forum Twiddles, plenty of good Basenji information and talk here everyday…..glad you could join.

    post a pic of your Basenji when you can.;)

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