Shadow actually qualified!
Shadow, Sherwood's Black Tie Affair, actually qualified on his first leg of Rally Obedience! He was doing great outside the ring until a woman brought two Collie's right up beside him. So once we got into the ring, the true B came out and at first he decided he was NOT going to work with me! This was the simple sit stuff! He was more focused on the Collie's. After I stood there and approached the first sign twice b/c I wasn't going to let him get away with it, he sat in a huff. He did resist the sit again on the one step, two step, three step, but once his back was turned, he performed the front/finish, moving down, and sit stay beautifully! His score was 88 out of 100, but he wasn't the lowest and he finally qualified!
Yea, one down; two to go!