• Good thoughts to you and Gossy. Hope everything is fine.

  • My vet took a sample from the lump (I don't know how to spell the proper term) and said she had an inflammation - most likely from the rabies vaccine which she just had a few days ago in about that same spot. So she's on antibiotics and hot packs for two weeks – whew - at least not something more serious!

  • Not a surprise that it is a reaction to rabies…. many of them get that... and it can take up to 2 months to go away..... Just watch for scratching when it starts to heal.... and not much we can do about it... they have to have rabies shots....

    I have found that Benadryl before rabies... and every 6 to 8 hours after for 24 hours will reduct the chance of inflammation of the shot site....

  • Zoni has a small lump in the spot that she had her rabies shot too, but it's not quite pea-sized. Hopefully she won't react to the Lyme shot next week. I guess it's a good thing that I asked the vet to spread the shots out more this time.

    Good to hear that Gossy's lump is going to go away. I hope this doesn't mean that she is going to react to all shots like this in the future.

  • Back before I got Ruby, I saw on Rugosa's website that they recommended Merial recombinant for the rabies vaccine as they said they had fewer problems. When I first got Ruby, my state required that she get a 1 year rabies vaccine. I remembered to ask for the Merial recombinant rabies vaccine…she got it and never got a bump. Last fall when I went to get her 3 year vaccine, I forgot to ask for the Merial recombinant and Ruby got a bump at the vaccine site (I checked and it wasn't the Merial that was given...can't remember what they said she got, though).

    So I don't know if there really is a correlation to that particular brand & type of rabies vaccine, but because Ruby didn't get that the second time around and got a bump, from now on when I get rabies done, my 3 dogs are getting Merial recombinant.

    Also, one other thing (for people showing their dogs) that my kids breeder mentioned and other show people mentioned is that if doing the rabies vaccine, always get it done on the non-show side...just in case there is a reaction.

  • For show people… EVERYTHING is done on the non show side...gggggg

  • @tanza:

    For show people… EVERYTHING is done on the non show side...gggggg

    Until I heard that, I would never have ever thought about what side to have vaccines done on. For us "newbies to showing" you folks with experience have so many pearls of wisdom. :):D:D

  • @renaultf1:

    Until I heard that, I would never have ever thought about what side to have vaccines done on. For us "newbies to showing" you folks with experience have so many pearls of wisdom. :):D:D

    Oops. didn't think about that either. Zoni's rabies bump is on her show side. At least we have a few months for it to go down.

  • I think the hat packs are really doing the trick - the lump is down to nearly half the origianl size now.

  • This is good news. Hopefully she will be back to normal soon.

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