• @Quercus:

    It is ALWAYS good to have new people interested in the breed, especially those that are willing to invest the time and effort into preserving Basenji heritage and sharing their knowledge with others!!

    If people could keep it in mind that new people are the future of the breed, not a threat, things would be so much easier for everyone!!!

    Couldn't agree more:D

  • @Quercus:

    It is ALWAYS good to have new people interested in the breed, especially those that are willing to invest the time and effort into preserving Basenji heritage and sharing their knowledge with others!!

    If people could keep it in mind that new people are the future of the breed, not a threat, things would be so much easier for everyone!!!

    If only life were that simple and people that sensible 😃

    Im sure most people will be very welcoming, but a few will undoubtedly be the opposite… thats dog showing for you :rolleyes:

    Basi, just seen the picture you sent me, he is gorgeous!!!!

  • He is lovely isn't he, and also has a fantastic nature, very easy going.

  • @basi:

    He is lovely isn't he, and also has a fantastic nature, very easy going.

    That is by far the most important thing for me. My dogs live in my house as part of the family, Maya sleeps in my bed everynight!! I have, im sad to say, seen some very sharp temperments around the ring, more than one owner being bitten by their dogs, and not just a startled snap, full on "attack mode" biting, totally unprovoked 😞 Thankfully, they are the minority, most basenjis i have met have been fine, if not overly friendly like Maya's mum who hopped up onto my lap the first time i ever met her 😃 But yeah, the temperment was the main priority for me!

  • @Maya:

    That is by far the most important thing for me. My dogs live in my house as part of the family, Maya sleeps in my bed everynight!! I have, im sad to say, seen some very sharp temperments around the ring, more than one owner being bitten by their dogs, and not just a startled snap, full on "attack mode" biting, totally unprovoked 😞 Thankfully, they are the minority, most basenjis i have met have been fine, if not overly friendly like Maya's mum who hopped up onto my lap the first time i ever met her 😃 But yeah, the temperment was the main priority for me!

    I know I have got to know the ones to avoid:rolleyes: Belle is so freindly that she just doesn't understand why she can't speak to them all bless her.
    This was one of the reasons that i went to this particular kennel as all their dogs are good natured. I met Echo at Dortmund show when he had only been in Germany for 3 weeks and he was so laid back lying on the floor with dogs and people just stepping over him and he didn't bat an eye at any of them.

  • @basi:

    I'm looking forward to seeing them all when they come out, though don't know where as not going to many on the mainland until next year when i will be back living in Scotland.

    He lives in Gemany so you won't see him I'm afraid, Am/Int Ch C-Quests Echo of Eldorado

    If you go to Eldorado's site, and click on contenders overseas…there is a pic of Echo & then there is a separate page of his critiques. Don't know if you've ever seen that.http://www.eldoradobasenji.com/Contenders/CurrentContenders.htm

  • Don't worry Jessica, there are quite a few new people in the breed, and will be more when the pups come out. You will find that the majority of people (I can't in all honesty think of anyone who wouldn't) be very happy to see more new faces round the ring. The entries are down so far this year.

    Maya can't possibly be worse than Rufus, I almost renamed him Damien at one show when he just spun on the end of his lead, he is still a challenge and he is three years old now. I love showing the puppies they can get away with murder!

    Hopefully we will see you at WELKS, it will be a long day as we are after deerhounds (86 of them}

  • @moetmum:

    Don't worry Jessica, there are quite a few new people in the breed, and will be more when the pups come out. You will find that the majority of people (I can't in all honesty think of anyone who wouldn't) be very happy to see more new faces round the ring. The entries are down so far this year.

    Maya can't possibly be worse than Rufus, I almost renamed him Damien at one show when he just spun on the end of his lead, he is still a challenge and he is three years old now. I love showing the puppies they can get away with murder!

    Hopefully we will see you at WELKS, it will be a long day as we are after deerhounds (86 of them}

    Oooh, thanks for that, i'd assumed the basenji's were the first in. Presumably Deerhounds are starting at about 9? Not such an early start for me 😃

  • Hi Maya - there are plenty of new basenji folk out there - i have been trying to show Tilly like a Dobermann for the past year - it doesnt work! think we might have got the hang of things now though.

    We have been made very welcome by the majority of folk - makes up for the odd grouch (and you get them in every breed!)

    We will be coming down to WELKS too - come over and say hello - but our journey starts on Friday morning - staying in a hotel in Little Malvern.

  • Judging at WELKS starts at ten (deerhounds) we are in Tent 1, ring 13/14, our wet weather ring 14, I don't understand why two outdoor rings? I will check if there is more than one judge for deerhounds, I wish they would send out schedules it would make life so much easier!

    We will be either on bench no. 2873 or 2874 (my two always share a crate) if you would like to say hello. Or you will recognise us in open dog, Rufus will be the one playing up!

  • I have just checked it out, Deerhounds have one judge, probably using two rings so they have a larger ring, lets hope it stays sunny and warm for our first outdoor champ show of the year! Its such a lovely venue.

    Have a good trip down Elscodobermann, I wish we were staying over but I will be working on Friday and again on Sunday!

  • Dont envy you working on Sunday straight after a long showday Moetmum.
    We just drive straight back home after the show - my mum will be staying at my house to look after the other dogs - so at least there will be someone there to have dinner ready for us, and a wee dram of whisky to celebrate or commiserate with!

  • I like the idea of a wee dram come what may, I am lucky my OH works from home so the dogs are never a problem. Malvern is only two and a half hours away from our house so its not too bad, I love The Malvern hills, its a lovely area, I keep saying I will take the caravan and spend some time there.

  • I will definately come over and say hi! Im planning to get there early enough to watch the judging from start to finish! Im going to bring my camera along and get some pictures so if you want me to get some of Rufus let me know and i shall get plenty of him in the judging! 😃 Im not the worlds best photographer, but hopefully some will be in focus lol!

    I want some of Maya's dad as i've yet to meet him, so that will be nice. Not sure if her mums going, but fingers crossed, will be nice to see her again!

    Elscodobermann - I will definately keep an eye out for you and Tilly also! 😃 Nice to know im not the only one who struggles to adapt to new breeds lol!

    I have to say, when i went along to the club champ show about 5 years ago to get a better idea of whether the breed was right for me, everyone was SO friendly. Of course, im cynical, so it might have just been cos they thought they could sell a pup! 😃 lol But no, i've only met a couple of people who havent been so friendly, but on the whole people seem very keen to get "newbies" interested in the breed. And it is a breed i have loved for a long time, even their history fascinates me, so hopefully i wont upset too many people showing my girl! 🙂

  • It would be great if you could take some pics of Rufus, I don't really have many of him at shows because I am generally on my own. My friend Julie took some at Crufts but they were a bit blurry when they were enlarged, she was supposed to take some of Jenny's B in the ring but she was engrossed in talking to a visitor from Australia so I don't think she got any!

    At least you are used to handling a table dog, I used to show afghans! I can think of at least 7 bitch puppies that are coming out this year so you won't be alone. Will you be entering the same classes as Trish and Dee or will you try not to clash? Its always an exciting time when the new pups come out, we had some lovely pups out last year. We are a friendly bunch honestly, we don't bite!

  • I will definately try to get some of Rufus… And hope they are not blurry!! lol Fingers crossed!

    I guess we will be in the same class as Trish and Dee's Coco, im assuming they will be putting her in the puppy class as well. I think they just want to see them all out there in the ring, they're not overly fussed about littermates clashing 🙂 It must be so odd to have all the pups out at the same time, in my other breeds you get pups coming out all through the year!

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