Need some help and guidance . . .

  • what a cutie pie! Welcome back to basenji-dom

  • She is darling! Congratulations!

  • Update on Bella:

    So far so good. We are now getting about 7 hours of whine-free sleep per night. She's sleeping in a doggie bed next to ours and doing well. I still have to crate her when in the shower. After raising 2 other B's, I'm scared to death to leave a puppy unsupervised; even for just 5 minutes. 😉

    Only one potty accident in 4 days, and that one is my fault. She was standing in front of me whining, and I thought it was because my wife had gone to bed and she wanted to play with her. Not so - she needed to go outside to pee.

    In the last 24 hours she has figured out how to: do a solo Basenji 500, jump up on the couch, nab food out of the pantry when we open the door to get something, chew everything in sight, and walk fairly well on a leash. Tomorrow she goes to the vet for her 2nd round of puppy shots. Tuesday will be her first all-day home alone. She seems to have bonded really will with both my wife and myself.

    One of my good friends and his wife have adopted her last remaining sister from the BYB, so she should have a good home as well. They've never had a dog before (much less a 😎 but do have 7 cats. So far, everyone is getting along fine and I've hooked them up with all kinds of info on B's.

  • Craig our Basenji containment system consists of a metal baby gate with vertical bars across the Bathroom door. Our Basenji's Crate/Kennel resides in the bathroom. When we leave the house he is always in the gated area for his protection and ours. Since our bathroom floor is ceramic tile we have been doing this since he was a puppy. Of course at night we crated him until we had the housebreaking and walking schedule under control.

    We found our metal gates at Wal-Mart for about $30. Since then we have bought an extra one so we can double the height if necessary. So far he has not jumped this one so we are keeping our fingers crossed. We have plenty of toys we bought at both Big lots and Walgreens on sale to keep him busy. We have been lucky that our Basenji did not become destructive. I think the exercise and mountain of toys have something to do with that. We do keep extra toys in a bag just so we can replace one when it gets damaged or needs repair.

    Sounds like you have a good handle on things.

    Jason and Miranda

  • I'm lucky enough to have a fairly large multi-level backyard. It is 80% shaded, has a tall rock/wrought iron fence (escape proof) and a large covered patio. When we're not around, she can always find plenty to do out there. When the weather was nice, I couldn't keep my other two inside. Lots of squirrels and birds to chase. 😃

  • Below is a shot of my first B (Cassi) in the yard torturing a squirrel; or vice versa.

  • love that pic!!!

  • I'd still be careful about leaving her unattended in the yard (nice looking yard BTW).
    The other day mine squeezed through the railings on my deck fence, which is wrought iron like yours. I didn't think she could fit through it but she did - she was going after a squirrel. You might want to put up some chicken wire or garden fencing to cover the bottom of the wrought iron. Just a thought.

  • about leaving the dog outside-

    It seems like, perhaps due to the current economy, there have been a lot of dogs "missing" lately. I'd be afraid to leave a cute little dog like a basenji out side by himself.

  • @agilebasenji:

    about leaving the dog outside-

    It seems like, perhaps due to the current economy, there have been a lot of dogs "missing" lately. I'd be afraid to leave a cute little dog like a basenji out side by himself.

    Not an issue where I live.

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