I went on an over night, and my Mo got out when my friend went to let him out for a break. I have called around to the animal shelter and animal control with no luck. I had an appointment next week to get him chipped because we are moving soon. I am scared that he will not be found before I have to move.
My Mo came home on Sunday; I knew right away something was terribly wrong. His tail would not curl!!!! I took him to the vet, at first she thought it was only a fracture, but after further examinations, it was founds that he was paralyzed, I am very sad to report that I had to put my companion to sleep. The vet was surprised he made it home. Mo came into my life unexpectantly; he was an adorable stray roaming around my friend’s neighborhood. We tried for three days to find his family, in the end, I kept him. I had never heard of the bread Basenji, but I noticed that he was cat like the first day (I had previously preferred cats.) He was my little buddy and I miss his corky ways, his smelly gas, and his insanely loud snoring.