• Yesterday we took Nicky in to the vet to have a lump checked. The vet didn't like how it looked so sent the slide from the fine needle aspiration out to the lab for cytology. The results came back as most likely Soft Tissue Sarcoma. We go back in today to have chest x-rays and an ultrasound to make sure there is no metastasis. We have a consult with a UC Davis surgeon tomorrow morning to talk about options, if everything goes well today then most likely it will be surgery on Monday.

    Please send healing thoughts and prayers his way. He is my first basenji and at 11 years old, I am not ready to say goodbye.

  • Hugs to my Nicky boy (and you and Sam too)….. tell him his "Auntie" Pat is pulling for him.....

  • Healing thoughts on the way for an early catch and no metastasis!

    And a quick and simple surgery on Monday.

  • Hugs, hugs, hugs…do keep us informed

  • Oh Gosh, Lisa 😞 He will be in my thoughts and prayers. I am dreading taking Querk to the vet for his annual check up. He has a big lump near his sternum that just feels 'different' than his normal fatty tumors.

    Keep us updated…

  • Well, we are home from getting chest rads and ultrasound in preparation for tomorrow's consult. Good news! His chest is clear and so is abdomen.

    Tomorrow we talk to the specialist who will look at the lump and then give us his opinion on what we should do next and Nicky's prognosis.

    Good luck with Querk's exam Andrea. The waiting is the worst.

  • I hope everything goes well!

  • @lvoss:

    Well, we are home from getting chest rads and ultrasound in preparation for tomorrow's consult. Good news! His chest is clear and so is abdomen.

    Tomorrow we talk to the specialist who will look at the lump and then give us his opinion on what we should do next and Nicky's prognosis.

    Good luck with Querk's exam Andrea. The waiting is the worst.

    Has he been acting any different?

  • He has been acting like there is a girl in season in the neighborhood. My guess is that it is the next door neighbor's dog.

    Yesterday he gave us a scare though vomiting up some blood and bile. So off we rushed to the vet and while we were there I asked them to check out a new lump I had found. They asked the basic questions about his behavior and such and really he has good energy, good appetite, normal bowel movements, absolutely nothing that would tip off that he is feeling off except that morning he wasn't holding his tail quite right.

    The good news about his stomach is that the ultrasound showed it is just a case of some general gastritis and should clear up with some pepcid and a few days of bland diet.

  • Glad to hear that all signs point positive… hugs and good wishes headed your way...

  • The surgeon just had a change in schedule so Nicky will probably have surgery tomorrow after his consult.

    I am hoping that everything will continue to be positive. I am worried for my boy.

  • Some healing thoughts from the Netherlands. Glad to hear the first results were positive.

  • Wow…I'm sorry to hear about Nicky, 😞 but am happy to hear that the xrays were a good result. I feel like I know him from all of the stories and pics you've posted. I'm sending positive thoughts your way and will be thinking of you both today. I hope the consult and surgery (if necessary) go really well. Hugs to you both!

  • The vet called yesterday to say the specialists schedule has opened up today so most likely Nicky will have his consult followed by surgery today. Our vet is optimistic that Nicky is a good candidate for surgery since where the tumor is located has lots of loose pliant skin and easy to get to. The consult appointment is 9am today so another 2 hour wait.

  • Nicky's consult went well. They were very impressed with Nicky they thought he was a very good looking dog when he walked in, they thought he was an amazing looking dog when they realized he was 11 years old.

    The surgeon is hoping that the reason why the mass is so free moving under the skin is because it hasn't attached to any of the underlying tissue. If that is the case, there is a really good chance they can get all of the tumor. He will have a very large incision because they take very wide margins with this type of tumor in order to get the whole thing and reduce the risk of recurrence. If they are successful there is only about a 5% chance that it would recur.

    I am going bonkers waiting.

  • Oh Lisa, I really hope the surgeon is right and he can get the whole tumor. That would be a GREAT outcome! Hang in there, I'm sure you'll hear something soon. 🙂 And hopefully really good news.

  • Sounds like he's in great hands; they've given you a really good prognosis. I know it's hard, but just focus on him being okay and having many more years with you. We're all pulling for you!

  • He is home. The vet wanted to keep him as long as possible before sending him home, they said after 4pm at the earliest. They called at 3:15pm to say Nicky was very adamant that it was time to go home NOW! He was digging to China by the time I got there to pick him up.

    He had a light snack when he got home. Surgery hasn't effected his appetite:) The surgeon thinks he was able to get it all but we won't know for sure until the pathology comes back in 4-5 days. His incision is gigantic but he should be doing well in 10-14 days.

  • Thank you to everyone for you kind thoughts and prayers. I am very happy to have him home.

  • Nicky's Incision


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