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Maya's Weekend with her New Friend!

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  • Well, firstly we came to visit my mum and Maya, being the CLEVER baby that she is, went straight into the utility room where my mum keeps the sacks of dog food :p

    Oops, caught in the act!

    Butter wouldnt melt.. :rolleyes:

    And then… Major Excitement!!! My brother, his fiancee and their son Lewis came to visit!! This was Maya's first encounter with a little person :D And she was rather wary at first...

    Then she decided to help out with the car washing…

    Then got bored

    While Chloe babysat Lewis

    Then Maya got curious about the little person again!

    Chloe and Maya fighting… :rolleyes:

    And Meg, Chloe and Maya chasing my brother :D

    Last one.. Who couldnt love this little sweetheart? :p

  • She is soo cute… Love the pic of her cleaning the car :D A basenji who makes herself useful.. wow.. hasn't happened to me yet!! :D

  • Love the head in the dogfood photo!
    Then when caught, she looks so happy!
    Great photos…

  • Great photos! I too love the ones with her head in the food bag, then she looks so innocent!

  • She is so cute! I love the last picture where she is standing on the dog food. It looks like she is laughing at your having caught her!!!:D

  • Great photo's…. Maya is sooo cute....

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