Eldorado does litter box train and they were always very successful at it when I visited..I know they line the outside of the box with newspaper too..so I would make sure to do that also so she's as familiar with the process as she can be. I would suggest if you can't get her to start using it for pooping soon to just get her a coat and start outside. The longer she goes without pooping where you want her to the harder it'll be when you need to change it. Bad habits develop fast. I wish I started Oakley outside right away versus litter training. He always would pee in it but he wouldn't poop in it. He got very used to pooping next to the box on the kitchen floor and to this day prefers going on hard surfaces. I know it's hard to imagine potty training outside in this weather but you might be better off in the long run.
I'm not against the litter box, I also have an eldorado pup; I just know the entire process would've been easier and more beneficial to is both if I braved the weather and did it in the first plAce
New Member from So Cal
Hi all!
I guess I'm several years late in joining, but, better late than never!
My name is Erika. I have a 12 year old son Ryan. We have Rosey (Kazor's Savannah Wildrose), our 8.5 year old red and white basenji; Trevor, a 3-4 year old Boston terrier; Steepen, a 15 year old cat with FIV; and some marine & pond fish. We live in Hemet, which is in Southern Calif.
We've had Rosey since she was just a lil' pup, from a breeder in Yorba Linda. This summer she was diagnosed with Cushing's disease, but has been doing fine so far <knocking on="" wood="">She also has degenerative disc disease, possible beginnings of Fanconi, hip dysplasia, and multiple lipomas. Believe it or not, Rosey's always been a healthy dog up to recently.
She is trustworthy in the house when we're not home, which is more than I can say about Trevor. She is a good family dog, and loves sleeping under the blankets every night with me!
Here's a couple pics from a recent gift exchange thru a BT Forum.</knocking> -
Welcome to the forum. It's a lot of fun and lots of great information to be found. It sounds like you have your hands full! I'm sorry to hear about Rosey's recent diagnosis, but it sounds like you are giving her wonderful care. I'll keep good thoughts for her staying well!