Tail end of a Basenji
I hope he gets his tail up again.
I have never seen one down for a long period of time, unless there is an injury or pain. -
Well, here some good news. He's tail goes up occasionally but certainly not like its normal self. He does not seem to have any pain in it. I gently massaged it and he didn't seem bothered by my touch. It still flops to the down position though. I'll see how he's doing tomorrow and call the vet if I feel its not perking up.
Keep us posted, I hope he gets the curl back soon!
I've never seen that either – except when they are getting a bath.
Riley drops his tail when he is not feeling quite right. I have seen it at the park before. Liz and I both noticed that he was acting off, like he was nervous. I noticed that he dropped his tail when a particular white German Shepard was near him. I suppose the GSD made him uncomfortable…..we were glad when he left.
Best of luck for finding out what is going on
Ok so heres the deal…...I noticed a day before his tail went limp that it was real puffy. You know when cats get scared and they puff up to look bigger? Well that is what Mick's tail looked like, then it went limp now its back to puffy and limp. What in the world is going on with this? I called the vet and he has an appointment to get it checked out.
This happened to my dog, Tosca, about a year or two ago. I still to this day have no idea what happened, but I think it was some kind of injury. What happened was that my husband I had a long day, too long for Tosca to be crated…so we asked our aunt to come relieve her, let her out to go to the bathroom, walk, etc. and put her back in until we got home. At this point, we were also leaving her out short periods of time to see how she would do. Anyway, there was miscommunication, and our aunt left Tosca loose in the house, instead of putting her back in the crate. I was freaked out until we got home, and luckily found no damage. However, that night, and at least all the next day her tail was down, just like that. She was acting her normal self, but would kind of whimper if you touched the area, hinting to me that something was sore. I called the vet, and they said (it was a weekend) to just keep an eye on her, and call back on Monday if things weren't better. Well, by Monday the tail slowly began going back up again, and was back to normal before long. Soooo...I still have no idea what she did to injure her tail, but luckily it was no big deal...hopefully you are just dealing with something similar, and it will get better soon, good luck!