• Hello everyone! We are happy to become members of your forum. We have two female Basenji's, Bambi (5) and Breezy (4). They are the light of our lives! We love them dearly.
    We have been having a problem with the two of them vomiting at least twice a week in the mornings mostly. We tried eliminating certain treats and foods, but this doesn't seem to help. We are wondering if any of you have had this problem with your Basenji's? It can't be good for them to keep this up. They don't always eat grass first either. It can be in the morning before they even go outside. We would appreciate any feedback on this.
    Tony & Patty

  • Basenjis are often victims of ETS (Empty Tummy Syndrome). Is the throw up yellow, like bile? If you feed them twice a day it could be that they need to eat their evening meal later. We feed twice and aim for every twelve hours, so same time in the evening as in the morning. Also if you think it might be ETS you could try giving them a cookie before bed and see if that helps.

  • Hi ,
    I am new too,

    I hope you will find the reason for your trouble.

    My puppy also vomited twice after sniffing the horrible insect called "cafard" in french
    as soon as she sniff it (it was dead, killed by my mix groenendael) when I go with her outside for "pipi".

  • @mauigirl:

    Basenjis are often victims of ETS (Empty Tummy Syndrome). Is the throw up yellow, like bile? If you feed them twice a day it could be that they need to eat their evening meal later. We feed twice and aim for every twelve hours, so same time in the evening as in the morning. Also if you think it might be ETS you could try giving them a cookie before bed and see if that helps.

    I agree with Mauigirl… this is very typical in all dogs, not just Basenjis

  • My Bella girl used to do this also. I agree with the previous posts… feed her evening meal a little later. It helped a lot with Bella, she never throws up first thing in the morning anymore. Oh, and welcome to the forums! I can't wait to see pictures of your little beasties!!!:D

  • A dry cracker at bedtime can do the trick.

  • Yup I had the same "problem" - I just save a small handful of kibble and give it to mine about an hour before we go to bed. Does the trick.

  • Welcome!

    And here exactly the same, if they eat early, they need a little bite before bed time.

  • Hello & welcome from Canada. I agree with the others about a little snack before bed. Seems to work great. How long have you had your 2 girls? So much I've read contradicts 2 females together, although personally I don't think so, but I'm not in that situation yet.


  • I agree across the board. DaysiefromBenin, my older dog (Ty) takes one sniff of a cooked egg and he's out the dog door puking. The smell alone puts him over the edge.

    Both mine have occasional ETS if they snarf all their food early morning. I use a cheese slice on a cracker and that stops the tummy grumble and tendency to vomit.

    (Tyler's tummy can sometimes be heard from over 5 feet away)

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