I have never had a B pee on the bed except Arwen, and although only about 4 times in her life, all were on days she was on steroids. If I had it to do over again, as much as I love them in the bed, I'd love one of those side beds, lol. Hope you figure out what is up with her.
Fence fighting & redirected aggression
My 7 yr. old B, Rocket, is a fence fighter. At home with the 2 shih tzu's next door he will race up and down the fence, hair raised, and attack the fence. If my female, Rumor, is helping, he will turn and snark at her too. At daycare, he bit one of the helpers when they were bringing a dog in. It is always when he is at the fenceline or on a leash that this occurs. What do I do when this happens?