Leaving the House
Jill-((HUGGS))))) to you :( I know first hand how awful it is to have your precious dog bite someone. You can't help but feel horrible. You're not alone & accidents do happen & you can't prevent them all. You can only do your best to help Duke calm himself & it looks like you're already doing that.
Good luck & we're all here for support & venting if you need it :)
Thanks for all your support. And thanks for re-posting the IAABC link, Andrea. I found a gentleman in my area but his site indicates he's not available at this time - he posted 2 other referrals. I called one, and still waiting for a return phone call. Will get help with this matter soon. It's too important and will be a relief to overcome to live more peacefully. Duke is a lover boy, but the aggression with this problem is disheartening. It's bad for everyone. I'm so glad that Daisy is calm. (((HUGS)))
I would definitely keep him away from any other kids other than your own. Not all parents are as understanding. Your letting the dog control the situation. You control him.
Someone I work with, forced someone to put their dog down because it bit her son bad (drew blood & stitches).
I would not tempt fate till you get a grip upon your dog.
Also maybe have your son do training with your dog to show he is in command?
Maybe crate him with people over?
Check out this website. This is how I found my animal behaviorist & dog training school.
Check out this website. This is how I found my animal behaviorist & dog training school.
Did you email them to ask where there was one in your area. The website appears to only have classes in Wisconsin?
Wow that's just terrible and you really are lucky that the boy's mom was understandable and a dog person. At least she knows you're going to get the training.
I was watching an episode of Dog Whisperer and the family dog was doing the same thing when the two young boys would leave for school. As suggested in the previous post, Cesar had the owners put the leash on the dog and keep him away from the door and the children. They left the house calmly and the dog had to stay in a sit/calm position. The dog could no longer claim the door as his own possession nor the children.
Good luck and I'm sure glad the child's parent was understanding.
I was watching an episode of Dog Whisperer and the family dog was doing the same thing when the two young boys would leave for school. As suggested in the previous post, Cesar had the owners put the leash on the dog and keep him away from the door and the children. They left the house calmly and the dog had to stay in a sit/calm position. The dog could no longer claim the door as his own possession nor the children.
Ohh - in a perfect world…How long did the dog stay on leash with sit/calm position? I cannot imagine myself doing this 10 times a day. I need to zip it out of protocol for him. This is why I need a behaviorist. I have tried/done everything in my training "book" lessons and still do not have control with this issue. When Duke has an agenda, he is relentless. Yes, I do need "in-home" help. Technique sounds easier than it is. I've tried multiple techniques. I need someone to guide me with one that will work with my stubborn little Duke. :eek: I sort of hoped that having another B (Daisy) would help him. She is wonderful in many ways with Duke, but not with this one very "bad" habit. I will post as we progress. Thanks to all for words of wisdom and encouragement.
Crate training could really help in this situation
Crate training could really help in this situation
Yes - he is crate trained. He eagerly waits in his crate when we leave for work every morning. He is a well trained dog - but the anxiety he experiences causes him to lose control and become deaf with all obedience commands. :confused: I'm sure a Behaviorist is in order.
Thought I should post an update here. The "BIG problems with Jack" thread brings to mind a posting here.
About a week after I left messages, the Behaviorist called me back. They also do animal rescue, so they may have been pretty busy. Anyway - I spoke to Carolyn for about 20 minutes on the phone. She said she'd be happy to come over for a $95 visit, or I could take some instruction on the phone for free. Basically, she told me to do what Andrea initially advised. Put Duke on a thin, almost ribbon thin 10 foot lead with no hand loop. He is to have this lead on in the house at all times. That way when someone is coming or going from the house, the lead will be easy for us to step on and reel him in,so it's short enough for him to sit, and cannot lunge forward. We are to stay calm and quiet while asking Duke to "sit" or "down". She said with consistency, this will blow the wind out of his sails. But it will take quite some time because he has done the wrong behavior for a long time. We're still working on it. But, I think he's getting used to being stopped short with the comings and goings here.