Questions from potential new owner

  • I think it greatly depends on the dog. I've read many differences here of Basenjis. I expected my B to be destructive, noisy, not wanting to go outside while raining/snowing, etc. But I found the exact opposite.

    He only makes noises briefly at times. Usually when he wants attention or when he's nervous (in the car). It's a yawn with a quick howl/baroo at the end. Hard to explain but it's the cutest thing. Other than that he's 100% silent. Not all B's are alike from how i've gathered things. I found my B to have 0 destructive habits. The breeder actually gave me a heads up on this before I picked him up originally, and it was true. I can leave him at home while i'm gone during the day and he doesn't move a single thing. Of course we know not all B's are like that.

    Just do your research and understand that it all depends on the dog, but use the information about the breed as a base.

  • My 2 are polar opposites in the house. Ty is a laid back couch potato that lives to be petted. Katie is a gung-ho, pester you to the end of the earth, come play with me or I'll destroy something, kind of gal.

    They both shed. And by shed I mean as soon as the Vernal Equinox hits they blow coat. I vacuum up what seems to be the equivalent of a 5 dog household worth of hair on a daily basis (and yes, I do brush on a daily basis–that's just what's left on the floor and furniture in between brushings)

    Guard dogs? Not in the typical sense. I don't have the bark differentiation that you might get with other breeds; friendly bark for a welcomed guest, alert bark for a stranger, notifying bark for the postman, etc.. I get a "get off my front porch" scream with the back burred up, or the "back off my fence a$$'ole" snarl with teeth bared and back burred up, or perhaps the quiet grumbling tail wagging with the back burred up "welcome friend" signal followed by the big baroo!! (The "back up" on this breed (IMHO) signals to strangers as aggression. I found my 2 use it to signal excitement–they even burr up when chasing small critters in the back yard!!)

    From dog to dog, my 'sengis are VERY individual in personalities.

    The discussion between nature vs nurture should never be discussed when it comes to this breed. It would be a moot point. Even Darwin would be confused and probably throw his note books in the air in frustration and sail away to Key West to spend some 'normal' with Hemingway:D

  • And don't be fooled when someone says "oh he's a little angel". EL D came to me with a reputation as being very destructive but never did any damage once I got him home and my current Luny had a reputation for being very nice in the house and turns out he has a severe anxiety problem and will destroy anything by the door if I leave with him loose.

    So be sure to watch the pup/dog for awhile to see how s/he acts on its own and with other dogs and also pay attention to how a dog reacts to you, a stranger.

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