The Basenji Club of Northern California will be hosting lure trials on December 2 and 3 at the Robertson Equestrian Center in Livermore, CA. This is the same field that will be used for the 2007 Nationals lure events.
I have a 1 year old female B that would love to play. Haven’t seen any Bs in this area. I live close to NOVA so if you set up a date I’ll gladly bring her to a dog park!
Try CanuckDogs dot com and look under the Prairie tab, then the lure coursing option.
Alberta usually has a few events per year.
I do not know when they will start again in 2011.
Have fun!
We're thinking about having another lure coursing fundraiser in November. It was so much fun this last time. Here is the photo album from the photographer. Lots of different breeds of dogs.
Nemo - can't believe he actually coursed. He's a bit of a goof (and looks like a kangaroo in the pic 🙂 ). I was more thrilled to watch him run than Zoni. He zoned out the second time to sniff some flowers and didn't complete the course. 😃
We were lure coursing in Columbia, KY two weekends ago! Check out the Bluegrass Coursing Club.
We will be at the Specialty too, hope to see you there. We are hoping to organize a dinner out for forum members who are going (I need to get on that…..)
Well here is the Ironic thing. Many of the people at coursing were the same people at the show and to be honest in our area I could not tell any difference. Everyone was very friendly and very interested in getting to know others. Maybe its because I have snow on the roof! Of course do not forget I do have testosterone poisoning.
Yep, the basenji people at the coursing event were all at the Chicago specialty with the except of 2 or 3. There are only a few that I can think of that don't do both showing and coursing. They are all very friendly and helpful. I'm looking forward to the club fun day in July.