They certainly are DIVINE! There a couple other things that go along with this…He mentioned how they like to lick the water off his feet when he gets out of the shower, and Lulu does this to me all the time...Another is whenever I walk them, they go crazy lunging towards the fire hydrants, not to pee, but to smell...I always assumed they are doing it to smell other dogs' markings, but maybe the water as well. They don't go crazy like that with other places dogs mark, at least not as fervously...It would be interesting to take them out to the dester and let them look for water, and start digging wherever they start hovering... anyone want to try?
Can you give a Puggle some turkey?
We made our Christmas turkey dinner tonight (it was frozen on Christmas) and enjoyed it eating at the coffee table while watching tv. Chase, our Puggle was doing a great job at begging, thought you all would find his sad face sweet.
Zahra also was begging but she was trying to be a little more stealth.
They did get their share of after Christmas dinner.
Now the are sleeping nicely on the couch after that turkey.
Zahra is so funny/sneakey!
Zahra is so much like my Sahara, always being where the food is. Sahara has had lots of Christmas turkey, she just loves it. I even warm it up for her, Dad doesn't, hehe!!!!!