Yeah we get some noises of our B. The first noise we got from him was that famous umph. He does it when he finally has given up the fight (mostly when he's done being told not to nip). It's funny because he looks at us and then fine! Then we got his yodel but it's a deep yodul not like the one you see on T.V. The snoring is just too funny because he sleeps beside us in his bed, so I have my husband, who also snores to my right so I turn to my left and I have snoring there too. And sometimes he sleeps with his head in the air (just like a baby fighting to sleep) and then we hear snoring and his head bops (2 cute). Yesturday he let out what seemed a basenji bark cause I took too long to put my jacket on when we were gonna go for a walk. Something funny about our B though. When it's my husbands turn to walk him, you don't hear a peep out of Champ, but when it's me, he goes crazy and starts with the yoduling (Spoiled brat). This morning was a new one though, we got a grunt. See what happened was that he usually gets up at the first sign of life, which is usually at 5:00am and my husband takes him out, but when he comes in I'm still sleeping so since last week we've had Champ come into bed in the am so we can get a few more minutes of sleep and he seems to love laying with us. Well this morning we were so tired, we didn't even want to get up to put him on the bed. Well the boss decided to grunt after attempting to get our attention to be carried onto the bed…well he was too cute so he got his wish..I'm sure we'll be hearing my grunts now that he knows it works. I also thought that comment about the foofing was histerical because when my B gets gasy he does look around like who did that and does seem embarresed..silly boy..but wait I haven't heard this one before and it happens on the about the burping?My B burps everytime he drinks lots of water.