Vet Concerned with Growling
Up to date on your shots does not mean all shots completed. For young puppies most trainers will take them after their second puppy shot. Please for the sake of your puppy do not wait another month to seek out positive reinforcement trainers in your area. Read the American Veterinary Society for Animal Behavior's position statement on early puppy socialization,
Your puppy needs to learn impulse control, throwing tantrums when one doesn't get what one wants shows a lack of impulse control. View the video, Its Yer Choice on YouTube, This is one way to start training impulse control. There are many others but you really should be in a training class so you can have someone help you see how they work and what you should expect.
Up to date on your shots does not mean all shots completed. For young puppies most trainers will take them after their second puppy shot. Please for the sake of your puppy do not wait another month to seek out positive reinforcement trainers in your area. Read the American Veterinary Society for Animal Behavior's position statement on early puppy socialization,
Your puppy needs to learn impulse control, throwing tantrums when one doesn't get what one wants shows a lack of impulse control. View the video, Its Yer Choice on YouTube, This is one way to start training impulse control. There are many others but you really should be in a training class so you can have someone help you see how they work and what you should expect.
Great video - thanks for posting that up!
Your dog is on the way to not dominant but dangerous behaviors. Please find a positive trainer and get on this immediately. VERY good basic training including leave it etc OKAY, I just realized this is a TINY puppy, supposedly born May 5 but tiny and may be only 9 weeks old, not 11. Puppy tantrums not abnormal, especially since it is likely this pup taken from litter way the hell too young. So panic mode off, you need to work fast and hard on the behavior. I'd say at his size, carry a towel and wrap him up in it til he settles down during an all out tantrum if you are out. Otherwise, at home walk off and ignore. Give attention and praise when good. You don't want to get heavy handed over pretty normal puppy behaviors, you want to gently guide him to good. But I also seriously would not be out walking with this pup til all shots are done. His very tiny size and age puts him at risk.
Thanks Debbie. I've been holding him to my chest when he has his fits (gently) until he sighs and then he seems to have calmed down. I'm really confused with the advice I've been given. When I took him to a park right by my house and walked him for 5-10 minutes I was scolded for not walking him for an hour. And now I'm told I shouldn't walk him at all… what's the right answer?
Yes, walking a baby for an hour, um no. I think others were confused as I was about the age. Lots of in home play time, starting basic obedience at home to keep mind happy.
Yes, walking a baby for an hour, um no. I think others were confused as I was about the age. Lots of in home play time, starting basic obedience at home to keep mind happy.
So everyone thinks he's not 12 weeks? How come the vet hasn't said anything then?
What did the vet say when you asked him the dogs age?
What did the vet say when you asked him the dogs age?
The vet asked me his age. I gave her Basil's papers from the breeder and she seemed satisfied with that.
The vet asked me his age. I gave her Basil's papers from the breeder and she seemed satisfied with that.
Can you post a recent picture from the last couple of days of him? And what his age is supposed to be? And the Vet if they looked at his teeth should be able to "estimate" age… but might be off by a week or so.
Again... I take mine out as soon as they have had one set of shots, again using common sense on where I take them and what they can "sniff" along the way.. and as already stated... I don't believe in living in that glass bubble.. but to expose them (using common sense) to living... and building their immune systems. And I have had a number of pups that I have done this with either living with me or puppy buyers
I can't recommend enough to trim at least one nail once a day, to get him used to it & you having him under control to tolerate it.
Here's some pictures from today (July 24th) and a video of Basil chasing my older dog Lulu.