• I got my precious Sahara from a pet store, big mistake. I found out through testing her this summer that she is probably affected. I have to start testing now, and I hate it that I have to be on the lookout for this dreaded disease. With how you lost Capt. Jack, to love a new B and possibly loose it to Fanconi, I would definitely be looking for tested sire and dame puppies. We love this Basenji so much that I was depressed for wks. after finding out she was affected. 😞

  • Wow, where do I start? That website you posted raised soo many red flags, including what Lisa said about probably making money off puppy buyers paying them to do the testing. That's an aweful lot of litters to be well cared for and socialized. It bothers me that their site is set up more like a virtual shopping mall with instant payment, rather than a nice get to know the dogs and breeder type thing. Remember this is a huge relationship that you're getting into when purchasing your dog, or at least it should be. There doesn't appear to be any screening to make sure the home is right for each puppy, you just pick a color, put in your cc, and click a button to get your puppy! The fact that they are AKC inspected means they are breeding at least 3 litters a year. And they are associated with other registries that are designed mostly for byb and puppy mill dogs. If you look, they also breed bloodhounds and coonhounds.

    And OUCH, look at that poor puppy held up by it's tail! They don't seem to know anything about handling Basenjis. That is the last thing that I would ever grab! lol Thank goodness they at least test for fanconi now! But probably not much else.

    As others said, look at the BCOA directory and contact other breeders. I'm sure you will be able to find a puppy still. Some good breeders have already been recommended. I also know a couple folks personally who still have puppies available. Linda is in Michigan and hopefully has a bitch in whelp. I know she is willing to ship and should have wonderful babies. They should all be reds. http://www.worrywortkennels.com/page/Basenji-Litters.aspx Gale is in Georgia and has been a well respected breeder for a long time. I know she had a large litter a few weeks ago and was planning on another too. She and Susan are working together on the litters. They would definitely be able to work out transportation. http://undercoverbasenjis.com/

  • Even though Undercover Basenjis are nice looking there has been fanconi there too hasn´t there? I have Undercover Bojaks Caitlan behind my dog´s and wasn´t there some issues with Undercover Bojaks Kojak.Luckily the parents of Myran were clear and he´s clear Efia shares the same dad but her mum is a carrier so we´ll test her.Then there´s a whole bunch of breeders in the US that breed on dog´s that are ONLY fanconi tested due to their age some even less then a year.
    And people who breed on dog´s with Fair on their hips and dog´s that do not have TgAA taken.
    I would never buy a puppy if parents aren´t fanconi tested,TgAA negative,eyes clear with only minor PPM and hips excellent/very good.Rather wait and interview people check them properly through official channels go back generations ask around about their mentality and ask about breeders and their reputation and if they´ve been reported to AKC for misconduct.Then when you finally find your breeder put yourself on a waiting list you do not want have a dog with issues and you do want a honest and supportive breeder.
    I understand you´re terribly disappointed but better safe then sorry.

  • Link to my reaction given in another thread


    Please feel free to respond !!:)

    Greetings from Belgium

  • That Topdog is totally out of line they sell a trindle for more then their other puppies.That means they do not know squat about breeding as they produce a puppy like it secondly how can they charge more for a colour that isn´t accepted no they are no more then puppymill posing as a serious kennel!!!!!

  • @mauigirl:

    What about Eldorado Basenjis?

    I know that the pup my breeder picked up in April, Eldorado's Keeper of the Flame, is tested clear (Eldorado's Keeper Of The Flame (CL) {M} HP288722/05 USA 13 Dec 2007)

    You can look it up on the Zande site (http://www.pedigrees.zandebasenjis.com/search.html)

    It's a good sign that more and more breeders/owners decide to run the test, especially since the introduction of the FTA-based Fanconi test. This is the only possible way to eradicate this disease !

  • Thanks Again!!

  • I am curious why, if she is doing the appropriate health testing, OFA Thyroid panel and CERF for eyes that she is not spending the $15 to have them registered with CERF and OFA so that all buyers can independently verify that the tests run were done to the standards set by OFA and ACVO. Also, there was no mention of hips being tested.

    Also, one other big question, does she take back her puppies for any reason at any age?

  • Why would they did the blood test when she could have just ordered the cheek swabs? So they paid to have blood drawn and shipped and still have to pay for the DNA test, when for 65.00 they could have order the cheek swab and test from the OFA site. That makes no sense at all? And I don't see that they did Hips and/or elbows? Also, if one parent is a carrier and one is clear, you don't have Fanconi worries, worst the pup could be is carrier. Even breeding an affected to a clear, you get all carriers, none affected.

    And I am going to share something with this group about this Breeder. Many times I go to puppyfind.com and nextdaypets.com and then email people with pups for sale asking them if they have health tested at least for Fanconi and asked them to "please" be part of the solution to rid our breed of this horrible affliction. It was 1 week ago that I emailed this breeder…. they didn't even know there was a DNA test, nor did they have any idea that the pedigree of the Sire and Dam was "loaded" with affected dogs.

    Will be interested in hearing if the eye exams are CERF exams from a board certified Vet for eyes... and if it is a full Thyroid test, not just the T3 that comes with regular blood work. If just with regular bloodwork, it is not a complete enough test to tell you about Thyroid problems.

    Not sure what you mean by "all is negative" on both the Sire and Bitch? What is negative? There is no negative in eye exams?

    Glad to hear that you are looking at other breeders.... and I hope that you find your forever pup.... from a responsible breeder.

  • Once again… Lisa and I are on the same "wave".... posting the same questions a minute apart

  • Yes that was my thought too were are the hips and how can eyes be negative meaning negative of what??And where they checked by an eye specialist and were the hip x-rays sent to the orthopedic board that reviews them and if so why didn´t she show were you could read about it at OFA you have to ask for the proper paper work and check that it´s legit.And has she promised to buy back the puppy no matter what or are you signin away that part?
    I know you´re are so eager to get a puppy but take a deep breath and think hard is she just telling you what you want to hear.
    I don´t know she sounds strange every time when pushed she produces magically these documents and answeres that fit and make you feel safe.
    She certainly knows the human psyche 😉

  • I am with Lisa and Pat, there is definitely still some info missing.

    Regarding UnderCover Basenjis having fanconi in their lines, yes of course there is. Almost all responsible breeders have fanconi in their lines and have bred carriers and affecteds. Remember until a couple years ago it was a total guessing game. And yes, she realized unfortunately before the test came out that Jack was a carrier. I have a clear Jack son. Jack was a big part of the research that helped create the test. Since the test came out there are 56 UnderCover dogs that have been tested for fanconi. And Gale has personally paid for quite a few of those who are not her own dogs. I think she has tested any and all dogs of her breeding that are intact, whether or not there are any plans of being bred. She has tested whole litters as well. She cares very much about her puppies and I'm sure she'd be happy to talk to you if you have any concerns.

    If you look at many of the popular sires breeders have used over the years, you'll see a lot of carriers and affecteds.

  • I wanted to let everyone know how grateful I am for all your opinions and advise and to make sure you all know I am trying as hard as I can to get the best puppy for our family and cover all my options. Thank you all very much!!

  • No I have no concerns I knew that there was a lot of talk over here about Jack also Myrans dad was a big topic when he arrived in sweden luckily the test came and he was cleared of all rumours that were flying around.His mum was Undercover Caitlan also as he had a JS sire there were issues but now people aren´t afraid to use them thanks to the test.
    Myran is a mixture of JS,Undercover and Wazazi same is Efia and if you looked at my postings i´m very proud of my doggies and their bloodlines:)
    We are a smaller country and therefor our basenji population is under hard scrutiny either one follows the club guidelines or you end up sitting with your whole litter unsold and everyone knows about each other.Finland has even harder health rules then us.

  • Thank you! I didn't know anyone on here knew about Joy's litter. Thanks for your personal experience and advise! Its nice to know someone who knows of the breeder personally besides my Mother Show friend! Thanks

  • Kira
    Are you sure you meant me and aren´t getting names mixed up??

  • @Capt_Jack_our_Basenji:

    Thank you Myran! I didn't know anyone on here knew about Joy's litter. Thanks for your personal experience and advise! Its nice to know someone who knows of the breeder personally besides my Mother Show friend! Thanks

    I think you have Myran mixed up with Mya….

  • @Capt_Jack_our_Basenji:

    I wanted to let everyone know how grateful I am for all your opinions and advise and to make sure you all know I am trying as hard as I can to get the best puppy for our family and cover all my options. Joy has put in contract that she is willing to give a full refund and take the puppy back at any age as well as pay for any illness vet bills for the first six months (because she is a friend thru my family) but since we are military we have a free Vet, which is kinda nice!! 🙂 As of now we are still contacting breeders you have referred us too, but we are still interested in our Baby Boy. I guess now I am just waiting on the Fanconi results. But unless either parent is affected, we are going to buy her boy. Thank You ALL so VERY much for all your help in our puppy needs!! I cannot express how glad I am to have such a trustworth and friendly forum here to give us aid, laugh with us and also provide a shoulder to cry on in hard times!! Thank you all very much!!

    Since you have made your decision with this breeder, why would you not buy the puppy even is one parent is affected? Breeding to a clear would give all Carriers, but none that would get Fanconi?

  • I meant not just a carrier. Sorry, I should have made that clear. And sorry i did mix up the names…lol. My bad! 🙂

  • Thank You!

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