• Here's hoping all Basenji families have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! 😃 I am thankful today for my friends and family; my son who is truly a gift from God, my wild little Basenji Bella who is trying to teach me patience, and the love of my life… my husband. We have a roof over our heads and food on the table, plenty of warm clothing, and basically everything we need and more. I hope it is the same for all of you on this holiday... my prayers go out to those in need or not in good health. I also feel for those in the military who will not be able to spend the holiday with their family. Please keep them in your hearts and mind as you give thanks...

  • Beautiful sentiments, Bellabasenji!

    I am thankful for relatively good health for my family, both 2 & 4 footers. For good friends, especially our wonderful dog park buddies, and our many cyber-buddies as well.

    Hope everyone has much to be thankful for, all year long!


  • Happy Thanksgiving to all !!!! 🙂

    P.S. on a side note is it ok to give the giblets and neck to the dogs? of course after i boil them and minus the bone in the neck ??

  • I give mine the neck bones, one joint at a a time, after they are boiled and soft. Also giblets, and white breast meat too!

  • Happy Turkey day a day late!!

  • Bad news… my husband had a fainting episode last week at work and the ER said (after a few tests) could have been from cluster headaches. We thought maybe an isolated occurrence? Well, then yesterday evening he passes out at my family's house while trying to get his plate!!! Now he has been admitted to the hospital for further testing... He is dizzy and still having head pain. Please keep him in your thoughts, we are worried and Bella is very attached to him (do you think she misses him?).:(

  • Here's hoping and praying that your husband is okay.

  • Thank you, we are back from hospital. All tests came back negative and they say it could be cervical vertigo… Muscle relaxers and rest is prescribed with a check back if all is not well in ten days. We are glad he is home, Bella is doing her happy dance!!!

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