HAHA I have a different situation, my husband usually HOGS the bed and steals all my space and tries to share my pillow with me! I love it when my basenji sleeps in bed with us, because my husband stays in his spot! Is that silly?
Our dog doesn't yodel much
Max rarely yodels . He rarely makes a sound except to growl or whimper. How often do your dogs yodel?
On my 4 only Thorn yodels, when I come home,when it's food time and sometimes when he wants to play.
But howling they all do it! -
Abbey's a big yodeler. It's her happy sound! Sometimes she'll do it too if she thinks something is funny or when she spots her grandma coming.
Since reading a previous thread on the subject, I realize that Nala does yodel, but rarely to us. She will on occasion, but she mainly does the mournful yodeling when we leave her home and go out for walks without her.