Stop with the free feeding... this is a dog that needs to be on a schedule. And a cup and a half might be too much for a 20lb dog. Try reducing it to a cup. I have also found that feeding 2x's a dog is better than once a day. I have never let my dogs free feed. Once he is on a schedule you can mostly determine when he should have to go... and then you take him out and stay out till he goes. A trick you can use (many don't like this but I will put it out there) is what people that show use. Insert a match in his bum half way.... This will stimulate him to go, when he does praise/treat him. And until he gets the idea, you will need to keep him crated or on leash. You can search the forum for other conversations about using a match to stimulate. Search for match trick
Help with Recall
Does anyone have any suggestions how to improve a basenji's recall. I know they hear me when I call them, the ear moves slightly in my direction. But even when I use "cookie", which ususally works doesn't always work. Any suggestions?:o
Make sure whenever you call them, a treat is involved.
THAT means, when your mad, you can't call them to you. It should only be good things heading toward you.
Also, if you have a large fenced area, or dog park you can go to..enclosed.
Sneak off, and wait for them to find you.
Treat when they do…sort of a hide and seek.
At my house, even without treats, if I am out of a room for a few minutes, they come find me.
good luck. -
I have a large enclosed yard, so I should play a little hide-n-seek with them and reward them when they find me even though I didn't call? Right?:) I really want to improve this for many reasons, safety first and foremost and then I would like to put one of my b's in Rally. So thank you for the advice
The best results I have had is by teaching name response. I use clicker training but you could modify the technique to work without it. Start by just sitting with out in the yard with one dog or out on a park bench and say your dog's name. At first, any reponse to their name click and treat. Once they start to move away say name again, and if they start to turn toward you, click treat. What you really want is to build to them coming toward you when they hear their name. Usually they catch on pretty quickly that their name means treats are coming. Some will stop moving away from you and start just staring at you waiting for the click and treat, this is a great way to start working on attention. If you are really good about rewarding name response and practice a little everyday, you find that they build a very strong muscle memory to hearing their name.
Really Reliable Recall
in book or dvd formLeslie Nelson has Afghan hounds, so she understands
Roast Beef, Chicken, Turkey, etc.
In short Lunch Meat