• I moved to elpaso a few mths back and have loved it soo far as well as my "troop" loves the weather and there backyard and such But the thing i have noticed around here is People treat there dogs like just a new toy for a kid there cool for a few mths then they get put aside for example alot of the people around me have smaller dogs like chi mixes and such but most all of them leave them outside now i know it's warmer here and such and Me being from Boston i couldnt even think of something like that but it still gets chilly here at night like in the 40's and such and there those poor little dogs are in the back with a little dog house but not much else and it seems like alot of people here pop out kids like there's race to who can have them quicker and when they do the dogs seem to get pushed to the side a neighbor i met not to long after i got here she acted like she LOVED her dogs they where her world ect well know a couple mths later she has a baby and the dogs get stuck in the backyard or in the garage . I just can't understand why get a dog if u are just gonna leave them in the back it doesnt make sence to me Myself i take mine out all the time in the back with me I don't leave them out there alone cuz ya never know and also I'm about 30 miles outside mexico and there's problems where they send people to kidnap dogs so they have "bait" dogs over there cuz animal fights are legal I can't understand why people aren't conserved about any of that and if there dogs get out of the yard {witch happens quite often } they just act like ahh no big deal I'm beside myself when Phoenix got out once Luckly he LOVES car rides so all i had to do was open the garage and there he came hopping to the car but it just seems like alot of people care less about there dogs There kids will play in the backyard and they will leave the dog tied up so the dog is going nuts to get attention and they care less :mad: :mad: :mad: Sorry to rant but i needed to get this out and wonder is it just me ? maybe i think extremly highly of my dogs and kinda put them on a pedestal But there my babies and i couldn't ever see pushing them aside . well thanks for letting me vent 😕

  • I always think its sad that dogs aren't treated like members of the family and allowed to be in the house with the family.
    I so wish folks had more compassion for dogs and their need to be pack animals.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    I always think its sad that dogs aren't treated like members of the family and allowed to be in the house with the family.
    I so wish folks had more compassion for dogs and their need to be pack animals.

    Sharron I agree, but I also think that owners can go to the other extreme as well. Sometimes I think owners treat dogs too much like people and forget their dogs are dogs. My personal opinion is that dogs are happiest when they are allowed to be dogs.

    Its very disturbing that in today's world we see dogs that are starved for attention tied out in yards. Some of them with little or no shelter are left out in all kinds of weather. It really makes you wonder how many of them are lucky enough to be supplied fresh water on a regular basis and/or proper nutrition.

    I am of the opinion that people cause dogs to develop more behavior problems then would naturally occur. I think neglect is one of major contributing factors to this.

    I am also quite sure that there are people that will disagree.

    On this chat board, we talk a lot about responsible breeders and what constitutes a responsible breeder. I find it unfortunate that we talk very little about responsible owners. I think that the characteristics of what constitutes a responsible owner is an issue that we should address more often.


  • ComicDom - I agree. Owner responsibility is also important. To just "have" a dog and not treat it with compassion is not proper IMO.
    I posted this once before but thought it appropriate to repost here …

    Ten Commandments for Dog Owners.
    1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is
    likely to be painful
    2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
    3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.
    4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment.
    You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.
    5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand
    your voice when speaking to me.
    6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.
    7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt
    you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.
    8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself
    if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right
    food, I might have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be
    getting old or weak.
    9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old.
    10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me. Please. Never say
    you can't bear to watch. Don't nake me face this alone. Everything is
    easier for me if you are there, because I love you so. ALWAYS!

  • I have seen studies that dogs that are tied out are more likely to be reactive and bite..even if they are not tied out at the time of the incident.
    Children are more often the ones bitten by these dogs.
    It doesn't seems to matter what breed is it, is the being tied out and lack of socialization that does it.
    Wish I could remember where I saw this so I can share the site.

  • Some cities are starting to see chained dogs as a problem as well and are taking action.

    FREDERICK COUNTY, Md. – Dog owners in Frederick County won't be able to keep their pets tied up for longer than 10 hours a day because of a new anti-chaining law that went into effect Thursday.............


    Please see also: http://www.dogsdeservebetter.org/PACAbills.html
    (States currently lobbying for laws against tethering)

  • @snorky998:

    Some cities are starting to see chained dogs as a problem as well and are taking action.

    FREDERICK COUNTY, Md. – Dog owners in Frederick County won't be able to keep their pets tied up for longer than 10 hours a day because of a new anti-chaining law that went into effect Thursday.............


    Please see also: http://www.dogsdeservebetter.org/PACAbills.html
    (States currently lobbying for laws against tethering)

    This is GREAT! It is just plain cruel to stake a dog out and leave them like that.

  • In California
    California Residents: UPDATE 9/27/06: The Bill Passed!

    Governor Schwarzenegger Signs Legislation to Outlaw Inhumane Dog Tethering

    Governor Schwarzenegger announced the signing of SB 1578 by Senator Alan Lowenthal (D-Long Beach) that would prohibit dog owners from the cruel practice of tethering their pets to stationary objects for more than three hours.

    SB 1578 outlaws the tethering of a dog for more than three hours. Tethering a dog will result in an infraction or misdemeanor, depending on the offense, punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 per dog and/or up to six months in a county jail.

    Texas and Maryland have passed laws about chaining dogs outside

    States that are working on laws are: (from what I could find on the web)
    New Jersey
    New York
    North Carolina
    Rhode Island
    South Carolina

    I am sure there are others…. and it is a good thing...

    However that said, not much better sticking a dog in the backyard either....

  • My dogs are spoiled rotten, but know they are still dogs and I'm still the boss. I could never in a million years imagine leaving mine outside at all times. I wish we had a backyard we could let them run around in. I know they would love it! But I could just not imagine a world in which my dogs weren't in my house, especially when the weather isn't nice. I don't understand people who tie their dogs to a stake & leave them to live their lives out like that!!! How unfair if they never ever get to chase a squirrel or go to a dog park or the pet store or go hiking. I just don't get it.

  • My b's have a nice deck and doggie dog outside to the fenced yard where the birds and squirrels come to eat.
    BUT 90% of the time, they want to be with me.
    I think, in an ideal world, that is here all dogs want to be, with their humans, when they are home.

  • If it's a Law in Texas it sure isn't being enforced around here 😞

  • Here it is. Print it out and use it to your advantage when you call the local authorities…


  • I will admit that when I was a kid our dog was chained outside. But honestly, he didn't like it in the house, LOL. If he was brought in, he'd sit by the door trying to get back out. We couldn't have fences where we lived, so he had to be chained out. He could crawl under our porch for shelter and never would use the dog houses we got for him.

    So.. while I HATE to see dogs chained out, I do always try to reserve judgment as long as there is shelter because I remember ol' Pokey very well. He HATED being indoors, even if it was stormy out, he preferred it outside.
    Believe me, my sisters and I tried and tried to get him to be our house-dog, LOL.

  • Well, some husky breeds do like the outside, but with most dogs, IMO they need to be in the house, with their people.
    In the old days, when I was a kid, we always let the bitches have one "litter" because it was thought to be best for them.
    Nope, that's old style thinking…
    BUT in many areas of this country, its still the norm.
    The issue with a lot of chained dogs, is not only are they not properly socialized, but they can't get away from another dog or child who is harming them...that makes them likely to see someone or something that has caused them harm and react before it happens again.
    So, you have the nice kid who gets badly bitten by a dog who was bothered by others.
    All this was something I have learned going to damaged dog classes.

  • I want to say that, from a purely selfish point of view, that people that leave their dogs tied outside make it harder for those of us that walk our dogs. There is a house down the street with a pom that is always tied outside, and everytime Jack and I walk by, the dog goes nuts barking and jumping around, and i have a hard time keeping Jack focused.

    Me personally, Jack has pulled up the stake that his tie out is attached to more than once while I was outside (once while I was in my jammies…you should have seen me running down the street in my slippers, but I digress) so I won't leave him out there alone. Even on a nice quiet street like ours, there is too much at stake....pardon the pun...

  • No wonder you laugh your self senseless when Ceasar Millan is on TV every time one of these dogowners opens their mouth when asked if they go on walks with their dog´s .The answere is A) Too difficult 😎 Isn´t the back yard enough??? C) Twice a week or 15 min a day.I don´t know if people are ignorant or plain lazy over there.
    Or do we just have different views/culture in dogkeeping ???

  • Move to Georgia mountains or the south if you want to see ignorance! So many pets are outside, chained, or living in small confined areas in the small towns. Weather in the winter is very cold, but the dogs stay outside. Breaks my heart. Also, many pet owners let their dogs run loose as there is no ordiance against it. If the authorities are called, they say, "Shoot it." There is one animal control officer in the entire area and he only responds to 911 emergency calls…if you are lucky. The animal shelters and rescue groups don't have room for more abandoned dogs and cats. Sad. Sad. Sad.

  • I lived down south for 4 yrs. Its really like going back in time re thinking of animals as property.
    Slowly, its coming around, but not quick enough for most of us.

  • It makes you wonder if there should be a petowners licence as there is a drivers licence??

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