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So I caught a guy kicking Booger…

Basenji Talk
  • Man, if I carried my purse in the park with me and I was there he would have been pepper sprayed with zero abandon. And it would have been completely 100% deserved. Maybe I'll start bringing my pepper spray with me just in case we run into the likes of him ever again. Because you know Riley would have done the same thing.
    I'm so sorry you had this experience. Is Booger ok?

  • Booger was more confused than anything. It's the principal of the matter. I wouldn't touch someones kids. No one should touch mine.

  • Did you happen notice if his dog was male or female?

    My mom takes her dogs to the dog park and every so often some idiot brings their in season bitch to the park. Might also be why he was so forceful in removing Booger. According to what some people have told my mom some people think this is a good way to have their dog "accidently" become pregnant. UGH!

    I hope Booger is okay. Is there anyway to report the person?

  • Wooohoo Andrew!

    Way to stick up for Booger when he couldn't do it for himself. ugh. I can't believe that a$$ is a dogowner.

    I hope Booger will be ok.

  • While I applaud you standing up for Booger, you risked being charged with assault if he had called the police. (at least down here) A few years ago my husband punched a guy when he threw a friends basenji off a table at the park, fortunately the guy had swatted my DH hand first, and his punch was a "reflex" . The police tried to get the other guy to drop it, as my DH was ready to let it go, but the other guy insisted on pressing charges, so they both got charged with hitting each other. About a week later the guy called my DH and suggested he would drop it if we did, I guess he talked to a lawyer who let him know that he actually struck the first blow, so would be the looser!

    That said, good for you for decking the idiot. I hope Booger is OK, poor boy.

    Anne in Tampa

  • Andrew, how in the world did your owner(wife) let you off leash. You are lucky they have not quarantined you. Do you have all your shots?(lol)


  • If you keep this up you will have to be Micro Chipped.


  • That jerk asked for what you gave him, my hubby would have done more. My husband loves Sahara so much he would be looking pretty bad if he had done this to our girl. I am the one that usually takes Sahara to the dog park, but you can be sure I would have been furious if this had happend to my B. I would have spoken to him also, so don't be thinking you overeacted or anything, you didn't.

  • uhm, in the future you might just want to call the police and charge him with animal cruelty.

  • @agilebasenji:

    uhm, in the future you might just want to call the police and charge him with animal cruelty.

    I completely agree…let the proper authorities handle matters like that. I was thinking the same thing as assault charge where you threw the first punch would be possible.

  • Andrew,
    Thanks for sharing your story. I was on the edge of my seat reading your story. I actually gasped while reading. I just cannot believe this person would do that to Booger. I'm glad you gave him what he deserved. It's unfortunate that this guy owns a dog. I hope you guys don't run into him again.

  • Boy - I can't believe you lasted as long as you did with that jerk. You really are lucky the punch didn't go any farther and I'm glad Booger is okay.
    If this is a dog park you go to regularly, I would post a notice at the entrances describing this situation and the guy, to warn other dog owners to be on the look out for him. At our parks here, he would be told to never come back, in no uncertain terms.

  • I swear people in this world never cease to amaze me in how rude & disrespectful they are!! I just don't get it! Where are people's manners?!?

    I would have certainly exchanged words with him & probably would have called the police. Fact is, he kicked your dog, which is an issue of animal cruelty. Jacka$$!

    I hope for your sake & all the other dogs/owners that frequent the dog park, that he never returns.

  • Honestly… I would call the police. Report the incodent so that if there is any question later you have a documented complaint. I am not a lawyer, nor am I giving any legal advice, just friendly.

    Also in some states it is illegal to protect possessions using force I don't know what the law in GA is you might want to check. Unfortunately no matter how you or I feel a dog is a possession.

    PS. I am really sorry you and Booger had to go through that, I can only imagine what I would do if someone tried to hurt my little one. He is truly my family.

  • @agilebasenji:

    uhm, in the future you might just want to call the police and charge him with animal cruelty.

    Totally agree about calling the police… but can certainly understand your reaction.....

  • I understand your frustration and your need to protect your Basenji. I know I'd probably react the same way.

    Hope everything is ok…..

  • Hopefully, someone in your group has a camera phone and can keep it on this fellow if he ever comes back again.
    You could take his photo if he acts up again and then the photo of his car and plate number, so you can call the cops.
    I bet you won't see him again.

  • I'd just like the throw my two cents in… I've been out of the country for a week & haven't been able to be in touch with Andrew much. Andrew told me this story while I was trying to go through customs this afternoon, and my blood was boiling.
    Although I wasn't there, I have no doubt had it been me instead of Andrew, the guy would probably have been much worse off. I probably would have punched him, and then called the police, risking arrest just to make his day worse. And I would have tried to get his dog with a rescue group... bringing a dog into a park on a leash & keeping it on a leash is such a bad idea!!! The dogs on leashes generally look so scared & helpless, because their owners haven't generally done enough research & training to convey that owner/dog trust so the dog knows he is 100% safe when with his owner. (Although if your dog is well socialized & knows he is safe with you & isn't intimidated by other dogs when on-leash I know it has its uses when training to heel, etc).
    Anyway, I'm just venting & ranting now... I got very worked up. I'm glad I wasn't there! Booger is my first born, and I would do anything to keep him from harm.

  • My hubby would not have had to go that far cause if he would have kicked Abby she would have bit him. She doesn't like to be kicked by strangers, and she gets snippy when she gets hurt. My sister accidently stepped on her and I thought she was gonna kill her.

  • I just wanted to post and say one thing about this thread. There is no way in Hades I would have just stood by calling the police while someone mistreated a dog, any dog, let alone my own!! I'd have kicked that guy in the nuts so hard it would have taken him a WEEK to get back up. I would have been prepared to face the consequences of that too, because my dog's safety is worth it! Additionally, the law gives me the right to defend my family and property.

    Instead of standing by and wringing my hands, waiting for someone else to "rescue me" I would have stepped up to the plate just like Andrew did! Taking into consideration that Andrew is a man, (and theoretically more physically matched to his dog's assailant) he could have done much more! He showed incredible restraint. I would not have been able to hold back as much as he did!

    You did good Andrew, and you will have served as a deterrent to this idiot ever coming back to the park that your dogs and wife frequent. And hopefully this guy will think twice before he treats another animal (or human for that matter) in this way.

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