It seems to me there are a couple of issues here. I don't think a shelter wants just any JoeBloe walking in one day to say "hey I'd like to help by walking your dogs". The shelter needs to know something about its volunteers though a criminal check might be a bit much. If someone has been volunteering at a shelter for some time so the staff knows them and now new policies are being put into effect, then the shelter should have some sort of informational meeting/handout for all its volunteers so they know what and why. And even when volunteers have been accepted, some mini-training should be included for handling dogs. Many shelter dogs have been abused so I wouldn't want a volunteer who grew up under the "old" system of training with spanking and collar yerking now handling a special needs dog. Actual certification for dog walkers - no - the government intrudes enough.
This is not specific to Basenji's but…..
I was just watching the news, and today in Macon county Illinois, the authorities found and raided a puppy mill. Now there are over 50 dogs in an Animal Shelter split between Macon and Douglas county. They stated that the owner acted like their was nothing wrong even though there was no food and water and the puppies were crying. They went further to say that there were flies all over, and the smell was unbearable. Most of the dogs were suffering from severe trauma.
This is just one more story to add to the many of animals suffering at the hands of Irresponsible humans just so they can make the almighty dollar.
There is a special place in hell for folks who do this to animals.
I totally believe that.
I am sad for the dogs, but at least now the are being helped or put out of their pain.