• I think Penny has the most expressive eyes. I love the pictures!

  • @nala121498:

    I think Penny has the most expressive eyes. I love the pictures!

    Both she and Max get that from Fido.

  • All I can say is WOW!!! Your six are just gorgeous, I love this breed also. My Sahara is 9 months old and my hubby wants another one. I am afraid to get another one just yet, Sahara is just so jealous. She won't let my cats come near me. How do you have 6 B's and there not be constant fightning, I have always heard that B's don't get along with other B's. Your advice would be greatly appreciated. And do you think females are easier to raise? Thanks

  • My Sahara is 9 months old and my hubby wants another one. I am afraid to get another one just yet, Sahara is just so jealous. She won't let my cats come near me.

    Do the cats get along with your Basenji otherwise? Or does the trouble start when the cats want to be on you when your B is around? You are brave, cats and Basenji's don't always seem to mix.

    We don't have many pictures of them all together, notice Cleo correcting the brindle pup.:)

    How do you have 6 B's and there not be constant fightning, I have always heard that B's don't get along with other B's.

    I think Basenji's love being with other Basenji's, they are pack dogs and they thrive in that enviorment. You have to be the pack leader, and you have to keep in mind that they do have rank and be aware of that fact…..you have to think like the Leader of a dog pack. Feeding the higher ranking dog first, letting the higher ranking dog lead the way to the yard.....ect. We do keep two seperate packs, which I explain in the thread four of six.

    Your advice would be greatly appreciated. And do you think females are easier to raise?

    I love my girls, I never had any daughters so they are all Daddy's little girls. But females seem to be the one's (of mine at least) that do the fighting, mostly with other females. I would reccomend a boy/girl combination if you where to try two dogs. Max and Cleo are life mates, I doubt they could be seperated…...although if you'd see how she treats him sometimes you'd have to wonder. I know two males can be a problem around mating time.

  • Your B's are beautiful!! Thanks for sharing pics.

  • all i can say is HOW DO U CONTROL ALL 6 we have trouble controlling one they are wild = ) nice pics

  • I'm glad mine is mixed. Whew… if she were all basenji, I don't know what we'd do. She is a handful even though she is mixed.

  • Yeah, really, how do you control 6?! We are having trouble with 3! You're an inspiration!

    Our nearly 12 year male, Ramsey, is starting to fight with our new 10 mo old male, Smitty. We've had him for a month now. Usually it is when Smitty and our 11 mo old girl, Bonnie, are playing and invade Ramsey's space. Once that happens a fight always breaks out. Lately, the younger male stands up for himself. Neither backs down until I pull them apart. They've drawn blood before and I think that is too way far. Other than play time (or an occasional neighbor dog by the fence incident) our 3 are great together…. but puppies do tend to play a lot! Maybe I'll have to post this as a new topic.

    What is your daily routine like with 6?

    BTW: I love seeing photos of all your dogs together -- again, gives me some hope.

  • @cmd:

    Yeah, really, how do you control 6?! We are having trouble with 3! You're an inspiration!

    I was asked a similar question in the Four of Six thread…check my couple of response's there.........trust me it's work, but we love it.

    When they fight it is very disturbing I hear ya! Luckily for us we've had some experienced Basenji friends that have taught us sooooooo much. That's what's great about this forum, what a source of information for all of us to learn from and share from people that have had Basenji's for many years. 🆒

  • Thanks. I've made a new post "Any advise on multiples getting along?" in the Behavior Forum since that may be a topic of interest. Keep sending the photos!

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