Only 1 Basenji but looking to get another
interesting… i can't get to the web site. Looks like it has been deactivated.
hello again,
I am not sure if you have managed to load hicotn's web page, but I checked and it is working. here is the email she provided on her website
good luck
pelin -
Thanks Dayna,
I did and actually talked with her. Unfortunately she doesn't have anything available at this time. She got me in touch with another breeder which I don't think it is going to work out. So I am pursuing one in North Carolina with hopes this one works out.
I believe Susan Campeau in NC is going to have a litter. As well as Tad Brooks in central KY. I can't speak of thier dogs personally, only that they said they may have litters this year.
I still need to plug Ann (Hacker) Harrison who had mid year litter. I can't say enough good things about her. Our Smitty a Hacker he is the sweetest most gentle thing since our first from her line. I'd get another if we didn't already have 3!
Also I have an email from someone who is breeding from Ann's line if you want to PM me.
Sue Kite of Klassic Basenji's said she'd be having a litter. Our Ramsey is from her line. Ramsey is also a very gentle dog and is about to turn 12!
Thank you!
I was looking at breeder Rugosa Basenji's near Toledo Ohio. Have you heard of her?We got our Basenji, Bisa [formerly Lucy], from Vicki. You can't go wrong with her and I think she may have had a new litter recently. She will direct you in the way to go! :)
Just noticed the dates of the posts … trying to get used to the site again after not being in here for awhile ... Sorry!!!:o