• I think a basenji can live alone.. when he gets enough human attention. When he has to be alone in the house for more than 6/7 hours or so a day.. I think he needs a companion dog/b.

    Mirtillo is practically never alone, but in a couple of weeks I won't be home as often as I am now. We found a 'baby'sitter, who has a dog herself. We will bring him in the morning and pick him up in the afternoon. I don't like the idea of him being all alone..

  • I think most b's want a companion.
    The way my 2 play together, its a hoot to watch.

  • We felt the same way - that Fiji needed a companion, even though she never spent a ton of extended time alone since we work downstairs from where we live. Having Bongo for only 3 weeks I'm no expert, but I do think it's going to be a good thing. (Provided my DH doesn't toss him in the stewpot one night - he's been a bit more challenging than she was to adapt to urban life :rolleyes: )

    Already, they spend a lot of time playing, chewing on one another, chasing each other in circles, and just recently curling up side by side for naps. I think Fiji is really happy to have a buddy, though she wasn't horribly unhappy as an only "child". She still likes her space sometimes, and she is training Bongo to leave her alone when she wants to take a crate break. But at the dog park this weekend, they checked out other dogs then happily spent half an hour chasing each other from one end of the park to the other.

    Overall, I think it's nice for them to have companions, and as Sharron says, it sure is entertaining for us to watch the two of them together.

  • There's a really sweet B boy in MD looking for a home with another basenji:

  • Catt, I am delighted its working out so well for your family.
    I am trying to get some of the BRAT b's up to the PNW, so fingers crossed, that will happen soon.
    There is a break in time with adding a new b to the home…but once they have bonded...its something to see, when they can't find the other one..
    Course, no one can clean an ear better than another basenji...I swear, I see the tongue coming out the other side!

  • Coleman sounds like a wonderful boy indeed.
    Thanks for posting him to this list.

  • I've had "only" basenjis twice now but I haven't really been in a situation where I could afford a second one (though I'm seriously thinking about it now). To make uup for it I've never crated mine while I'm at work - mine have always had the run of the house and I have a sizable fenced yard with lots of creatures to chase and I take medium length walks. My previous one and the current one seem to do okay alone - never get into much trouble :p.

  • I was advised that I needed to wait until Beegin grew past his teenager months (1.5 yr old) to get another companion. So for right now if I don't crate him while I go away (which I don't, the crate is pretty much for him to snooze in when I am busy in the house and can't give him attention or when he is making an activity like moping the floor entirely too much work for me - he loves to chase the mop) and walk him for our morning and long evening walks, occassional play groups at PetCo and dogpark visits, he should be okay alone? Do you all agree with the teenager thing?

    I have been watching the brat website as well. I think since Beegin is my first purebred dog, (I've only ever had rescues of all kinds before) if I get a second b, I'd get a rescue. I do worry about expense though so I couldn't take an older basenji that required much in the way of medication above and beyond flea/tick and heartworm preventative.

  • I have to give you a tip re the BRAT site.
    Most of us don't have time to post all the dogs we have to rehome.
    WE just don't.
    So, if your interested about a rescue b and want to have one from BRAT, go on line and fill out an ap.
    Most of us work off those ap and the dogs we contact you about never do have the photos shown.
    That is my tip re Brat basenji rescue.

  • thanks for the info on the MD BRAT!!! ill look into it! maybe we can set up a playdate 🙂

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