Lost Basenji In Michigan
Of course you may!! The more help the merrier. We have posted everywhere and on most lost dog websites and all the local papers. The really crappy part is that she was lost at my friends parents house, which is more out in the country, whereas Mezza is used to living in downtown GR. Our fear is that she could be anywhere in between. We are hoping if someone stole her they will give up and take her to the shelter.
Working hard on it :)
I have posted to 2 other basenji chat lists, I got this reply today from a woman whose basenji escaped from a kennel while she was away. She came home to search,and the dog was lost for over a week but they finally got him back. Here is her comment:
I got Luther back by putting 'posters' in mailboxes, at door, and especially at a local gas station/ministore.? This was a rural area.
Luther was away for just over a week.
Posters, posters, posters.
Some newspapers will print a picture in their classified section. Luther's was very eyecatching. -
I thank everyone so much for their outpouring of compassion and concern for Mezza. I love her DEARLY and am eagerly awaiting her return. I've contacted all the vets in the area and enlisted countless friends to hang posters up to 25 miles away.
I'm hoping and praying for her safe return. Thank you again, so much.
Em and Mez
Many people are aware and hoping for a safe return. Are you posting flyers all over, and in the paper? Get neighborhood kids involved too, and just stay out there, looking (preferably with another basenji). If she has been seen, try traps baited with her favorite foods (KFC h as been used successfully).
Very things are as frustrating as a lost basenji!
Anne in Tampa
Hi All-
Mezza's mom, Emily, just called me and there was a sighting on Thursday. She was running around a youth camp near where she originally got lost. So Emily went out last night and put up what posters she could before leaving for China this morning. I may go out and look some today. I'll keep you all posted. Thanks for the prayers and suggestions!
From another list, a woman who's basenji was recently lost for a week advised to add to posters and adds that people nearby should check garages and sheds, her dog was found hiding in someone's garage. Posters, and lots of people out looking, especially if you can take basenjis along to try and attract her. Lost dogs get totally freaked out and often won't come to their owners when called.
Animal control may be able to supply you with live traps.
Keep looking for her!
Anne -
Send flyers to the post offices in the area, the folks driving the streets might see this b.
Also, UPS.
Most of us want to help find dogs who are lost. -
Don't give up hope; I thought one of my other dogs was dead earlier this year, (he's a deaf staffy); he was lost during the week of the blizzard… I said many prayers, and I live in a farming community, w/the help of a wonderful friend, and many prayers Jack made it home safely... a little thin, raw paw pads, but he came home alive (and yes the fence was fixed). I'll keep ya's in my prayers.