Baby boy
Hi kids
Sorry i haven't been around for a while but i was in hospital having day surgery. Then i had school hols. Busy Busy Busy. Anyway, great news. We picked out our new addition a while back, don't know if i told you but he is gorgeous. Went and saw him on Saturday and i can't believe how much he's grown. He's six weeks now. The breeder wants to get his eyes tested at eight weeks then i get him. Can't wait. he's black and white and wev'e decided to name him Bee-Jay(for Basenji junior). Cute 'eh. It turns out that him and Kaycee are actually cousins.
Well, gotta go and feed the family.
Talk to u soon
Hugs to all
Tanya. -
Can't wait to see the photos.
Glad your back.
Are you ok? -
Yeah, fine now. Thanks.
Will send photos as soon as i can.