• I know that you said money is a concern, but because of Sheba's age, you may really want to consider an x-ray to make sure that she delivered all of the pups.

  • Porthos,
    I am so sorry that it has been so a tough for you and your wife. Please extend my condolences to her, it must have been a very rough day for you both. How is Sheba doing at this point? I will keep you all in my thoughts as you try to sort out the events of the day. My dogs send there love to your whole family, as do I. 🙂

  • @lvoss:

    I know that you said money is a concern, but because of Sheba's age, you may really want to consider an x-ray to make sure that she delivered all of the pups.

    I would second this…it is SOOO important at this point to determine if Sheba is done with labor or not. Please consider LVoss' advice. She speaks as a very knowledgable breeder, and lover of this breed.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

  • Yes, you do want to make sure that she has delivered all the pups, it is very possible that there is still one or two in there and they might have already expired, way before she started to whelp. Or at least have the Vet give a shot to clean her out… certainly with all that was going on, there was no way to know if she delivered the afterbirth.

    And I don't think anyone was beating you up... the advise was to go to a Vet... it would be very, very difficult to try and assess the situation over the phone. Not seeing the bitch first hand, no one can/could assess what was going on or if the deaths were accidental or not...

  • is just 2 pups normal??? I've read tat it is not. Does the amount of developed teets have any indication of the number of pups to expect?

  • @Porthos:

    is just 2 pups normal??? I've read tat it is not. Does the amount of developed teets have any indication of the number of pups to expect?

    It depends on when the breeding took place and what "eggs" the bitch had. Because she was older and this was her first litter, it is very, very possible and not that out of the normal. Sometime they have one… sometimes 7... another reason that we have a xray done 3 or 4 days before the due date so that we know exactly how many pups are expected. (and again.. this is not a "dig" to you.. it is just what as breeders we do)....

    And develop of the teets meaning what? If talking about milk, that usually comes after whelping (very soon after)... but they would be large and if expressed have some fluid/milk...

    That is why we are saying you need to take her and have an xray done... she could still have pups in there, dead or alive... (dead that might have died long before she whelped the first two).... If she has pups in there not delivered and/or afterbirth.. that can become quite toxic and she can very easily die... I am not try to be mean or anything else, just telling you like it is...

  • Please let us know what the vet says re your girl.
    Also, as she has no live pupsunless I am reading this wrong, isn't there a shot you give the girl to help her dry up her milk?
    Sorry if I am wrong.

  • There is a shot that will help dry her up, but with no pups nursing… just keep her food at normal or less and she will dry up on her own in a day or two...

  • How long before the bitch become sick re the "remaining" pups/afterbirth? If any?

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    How long before the bitch become sick re the "remaining" pups/afterbirth? If any?

    Could be hours, could be days… that is why is it very important for her health to be check by a Vet ASAP...

  • thanks, I will call the vet tomorrow and set up an appointment

  • Is she showing any signs of Labor?

  • @tanza:

    Is she showing any signs of Labor?

    No, but she hasn't come out of her "Room" (crate) in several hours now

  • @Porthos:

    No, but she hasn't come out of her "Room" (crate) in several hours now

    I have to say, that is a very bad sign…. I know understand that you have issues with money and can appreciate it... however... this IMO is a critical situation that she is seen by a Vet....

    Is she eating or drinking?

  • I am so sorry, you have all had a terrible day, especially Sheba. She needs to drink, if not eat, tonight and be seen first thing in the morning (if not tonight). You have my sympathy for the loss of the pups.
    Anne in Tampa

  • Anne is correct, it nothing else, she need to be drinking….

  • Does she have any discharge?

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Does she have any discharge?



  • Porthos,
    I know it's late in the evening where you are.

    Do you happen to have a 24 hour vet clinic. You may want to Seriously consider taking Sheba in tonight. Even more so if she is refusing food. And imensly more if she is not drinking.

    I know it has been a rough day, but please do what you can to avoid making it an even tougher experience. You don't want to have any provlems with Sheba now if you can help it.

    Hugz to your whole family and know that I am thinking about you all tonight. 🙂

  • If she is not eating or drinking, is listless, then she needs to get to a vet ASAP. It is actually normal to have discharge after whelping as the uterus expels everything and cleans itself out. If she is having no discharge, and if you can not be certain that she expelled all the afterbirth, she needs to be seen by a vet. A retained placenta or dead puppy can become a life threatening infection rapidly.

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