Issues with my 6 1/2 mo. old neutered brindle male basenji

  • I have been reading this forum for 4 months now and it has helped me tremendously in dealing with my boy, "Boomer" (we are from Oklahoma, home of the Boomer Sooners). I have finally decided to post a concern of mine and am hoping some of you can offer a little advice. I think that Boomer was "resource guarding" a water bottle cap that he had found today. When I took it away from him, he growled and tried to bite me and really got quite aggressive. It took me completely by surprise and my first instinct was to put him on his back and growl back at him louder. I tried to ignore him for a little while afterwards but he kept trying to sit or lay by me and make nice again. There are so many different ideas in this forum on how to address this issue, but I was hoping someone had dealt with this first hand and has found a training method that truly works. Boomer is otherwise a "typical" basenji. He is somewhat laid back as compared to others on this forum. He is crate trained during the day while we are at work and is walked every night. He is house trained and sleeps on the bed with us. From what I've read on this fourm, this behavior can be typical of "B's" but needs to be addressed. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

  • I'd start by hand feeding this pup and doing training for his dinner. I'd also use the "trade up" method for dealing with the resource guarding. Here's a few links that explain it:

    [ Being Training System/resourceguarding.htm]( Being Training System/resourceguarding.htm)

  • Thank you very much for replying to my inquiry. I will look at these websites tonight. 🙂

  • I would not be putting a dog on its back.
    IMO, it just leads to more aggression in the dog, and a good chance to be bitten…
    I would also go to a gentle basic obedience class, even if you have done so and re do the classes...
    It helps gets the dogs head right...

  • @agilebasenji:

    I'd start by hand feeding this pup and doing training for his dinner. I'd also use the "trade up" method for dealing with the resource guarding. Here's a few links that explain it:

    [ Being Training System/resourceguarding.htm]( Being Training System/resourceguarding.htm)

    Wish I'd seen this 9 years ago. After a family dinner Tyler got into the garbage and got a grilled steak bone. When I went to get it from him this awful growl/snarl came from him. He scared me sooo bad I didn't know what to do. I finally got a pair of elbow length oven mitts and a pair of grill tongs and with the help of my daughter clad in similar oven mitts, we took the bone from him. He never snapped but man-o-man he was 'burred up' and sounded as if he was ready to to major bodily harm for that bone.

    It hasn't happened since, then again, we made sure the garbage was Basenji proof so he hasn't had a chance. Now a-days, Kate and Ty share treats, toys and food and have never had a spat over it. Thanks for the info, I'll pass it on to my mom (who recently rescued a newfie-lab pup from a byb) in case the situation arises with her.

    You guys are GREAT!!!!!

  • Yikes! I'd also work on a Leave It command. McDevitt outlines a nice way of doing the Leave it in her Control Unleashed book. Susan Garrett does it more like what is outlined here: (although step 8 on looks similiar to McDevitt's method)
    The only thing is that in Step 3 these instructions tell you to say "leave it" before you've built up the behavior. Generally this is not the way clicker training is done. (You get the behavior THEN add the words.)

    here's another good link:

  • Thanks agile. Yikes! is an understatement. I think I actually said "HOLY $#!%!!"
    My embarrassment over Ty's behavior was soon overridden when I realized what I'd said–-well, to be honest, what I shouted loudly, very loudly.

    Thanks for the links. I'll be reading through them tonight. I think I'll also try teaching my old dog new tricks next time we grill steaks (As an old dog myself, I also have a long memory so I'm not ready to give up the oven mitts on the first try 🙂

  • I also work on "trade", teaching your b' to give you whatever, to get what nice goodie you have.
    I start with little things, a toy they are chewing on, I say trade and put a nice treat down by the toy…they get the treat, lots of praise and then the toy back.
    Work your way up to the "big" items...
    I am finding that if I have to they will let me take something forbidden from them with the promise of treat...and then giving the treat.
    Good luck.

  • I've had good luck with the 'leave it' command with Sol for both junk picked up, and distractions while walking– so that he now knows that he'll get a treat if he focuses on me, not the distraction. This was tested yesterday at a pen of mini goats at a farm we walked by-- they sure smelled good to him! But once we were a few feet away he refocused on me for a treat.


  • The only bad thing about the "trade" strategy, is that Tosca learned that everytime she takes something she shouldn't (DVD, Remote, etc) she will get a treat to give it back to me. This has actually reinforced the behavior more! So manipulative 🙂

  • Thank you so much for all your advice! I had success this morning with the "trade up" for a treat method. Boomer willingly gave me the piece of paper he had in his mouth for a favorite treat. I am working with him daily on trading up. This will be great when we are on our walks and he finds a left over firecracker that I don't want him to swallow. I am also practicing the "nothing is for free" sit routine with him. I have to applaud my husband for doing this since we brought him home. Making him sit before any activity is making him concentrate better on the task at hand. Thanks again!!

  • The sit before anything is very good. Especially if you can get Boomer to think he has to sit before he can go out the door - it will serve you well. And congrats to you for being such a good dogmomma!

  • @Jylly18:

    The only bad thing about the "trade" strategy, is that Tosca learned that everytime she takes something she shouldn't (DVD, Remote, etc) she will get a treat to give it back to me. This has actually reinforced the behavior more! So manipulative 🙂

    There are days I'd be happy for anyone to find the remote in this house! Just put it on a "find the remote" cue. (Or just put it up when you're finished with it. - nah)

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