• @MamaofMany:

    (we are making an offer this weekend on a much larger house with a big yard!)

    Good Luck!!!!!


    as well as the two nutsies.

    "nutsies" - I love it! lol….

  • <_>

    Be aware that if she is growling because she is nervous about the toddler, having him sit on her could make it worse. I think you could accomplish the same goal, by having her sit and having him pet her. If she truly is afraid, forcing her to tolerate him may make her much more likely to bite him when you aren't looking.

    Dogs growl for a reason, and if you force them to supress the growl, they may just bite next time with no warning.

    And I would NEVER EVER want to teach my son that the answer to deal with a growling dog was to sit on it…... jmo....._

  • I don't know that she is 'afraid' of him - she only just began doing this behavior, and I'm not aware of anything he did to her to make her fear him. Could be biting (as the example of him trying to play the same way they do) but none of us can recall a time when he hurt her in such a way that she'd be afraid of him. He certainly wasn't doing anything threatening to her at the time. It seemed more to me (at the time) that she was trying to show that she was boss.

    What I had hoped it would do was to give her solid evidence through Alpha-Mama that she is not higher on the pecking order than he is. And she hasn't growled at him since - and we're all on high alert for signs of aggression. We are also watching him carefully (which makes having 7 other kids a real blessing!). Kandy seems to be acting toward him as she did prior to this incident, and I don't know that he's able to make any connection yet (about her action and mine)

    But I do thank you for your advice - its always good to have other view points to consider!


  • <_>

    It is really, really common for dogs to be wary of toddlers…they move funny, they are unpredictable, and their face is usually right at dog level, so they make eye contact in a way that adult humans don't. Most people who have issues between their child and their dog find that it is more likely to occur when the baby becomes a toddler, instead of prior to the walking stage.

    Your son wouldn't have had to actually do anything to make the dog uncomfortable...just his way of being would do it for now 😉 In my experience once the dog learns that the toddler doesn't mean any harm, the nervousness passes, and the dog is then habituated to toddlers (Yay!) So, it is better to make the toddler fun, fun, fun for the dog, instead of something even more scary...(i.e. dog thinks: I was just sitting here, then the scary thing came towards me, I growled to tell him I was nervous, then Mom called me over to sit on her lap, and then she forced the scary thing to sit on me)...yeah, I would definitely growl again if I had the chance as a dog...or just plain not want to be around kids.

    I doubt she was trying to show him she was boss, more likely she was trying to tell him to leave her alone....

    We have a three year old son. Four of our five dogs had not been heavily habituated to kids before he was born, and they were really nervous when he started to toddle. I made sure I gave out plenty of treats when ever Ethan was up and about. I encouraged the dogs to sleep in an area that he couldn't easily reach; and if any dog actually growled at him, I calmly told them not acceptable and they went to their crate.

    They are all pretty relaxed with him now...it just took some time and patience_

  • I agree with Andrea on all counts.
    Having been raised with Basenjis,
    they are DOGS…
    the can assume threat from "little people"
    in the case of the 2 and 3 y.o. basenjis...this is directed at jys1011:
    do you know their past? why were they returned?
    where did you get them? what 'issues' do they have

    This is a big thing when getting adults or rescues..
    I firmly believe that people turning dogs over to rescue OR
    back to a breeder do NOT tell the complete truth.
    They want to appear that they are doing good for the dog,
    but don't want to look bad either...
    they rarely mention that they have chained their dog for most of its
    or that they have crated the dog more than normal..
    or that the dog has bitten...
    it just isn't in their nature...
    people LIE...

    I just got a dog back that will be 7y.o. on Xmas...
    'supposedly' they travel more than they used to..
    yet they want to know if I place him elsewhere...
    and if I can't find a home to send him back to them...
    I swear you'd think they were on crack to even say that to me!
    Lest they forget that I am the breeder and make the decisions on MY dog!!! What idiots.
    Off my soapbox..
    time to go play with puppies!

  • so how is your girl doing now?

    when I adopted Beta from her puppymill settings i was told that it takes about 6 months for a reascue to adjust. at first she was completely submissive and ate out of the same bowl with caesar and slept with him and was wonderful. when six months came around she became food aggressive and started to pee in Caesars bed or any room that i wasnt in with her. she was trying to assert her dominance with the cats and dog. never with me. and for the record, she was the alpha.

    i would suggest that if your girl says she doesnt like kids, then it would be smart for you to work with her as if she hates kid. i find it is better to work this way because you will work harder to fix the problem vs. an accident happen.

    When I had Caesar in Basic Training we had an American Bulldog in our class. THe mother had 3 kids and the younges was 2yrs old. The dog, although was a puppy weighed near 60lbs….it was huge and going through regular puppy training like Caesar. The owner let that dog sleep in bed with them and the dog would nip at the kids when they would try to get into bed with their parents. the trainer explained that what the owner had done was create a pack with her dogs by having them in the bed. the effect was that the short kids were peers in the dog's eyes and they were putting them in the pack pecking order. the easy solution was to keep the dogs out of the bed so the kids were established as family members not peers to the dog.

    i had never thought about kids and their interaction with dogs that way, but it makes sense. this is one of the reasons you dont allow children into a dog park without adult supervision.

    so there are two theorys i am reading and they sound right to me? have the kids train the dog to acclimate to them through treats and at the same time it will teach your dog that they are in control by having the treats.

    remember that basenjis are pack dogs and seem to always want to be the alpha. hope this helps a bit. sounds like you are on top of it anyway!:)

  • <<remember that="" basenjis="" are="" pack="" dogs="" and="" seem="" to="" always="" want="" be="" the="" alpha="">>

    Mantis, I disagree with this….and I think it is a dangerous thing to tell pet owners all they have to do is be alpha, and their dog will respect them. Too many people think that means manhandling the dog into submission.

    IMO (and actually, not just MO) Basenjis are resourceful little dogs that will use whatever means they can to get what they want. They don't sit around trying to figure out how to stage a coup. If a person is not setting boundaries for appropriate behavior, a dog like a Basenji, is going to take advantage of that...has nothing to do with alpha..IMO :)</remember>

  • Hello! Sorry to have dropped out of view for a while. Its been very hectic here between the holidays, home schooling, house hunting, getting my oldest into college and having the whole 10 of us get the flu! (Seems the only thing the kids happily share are germs…)

    Things are actually going very well with Kandy and Sammy. Sammy (the JackRussel/spaniel pup) went into heat a month before they were scheduled to be spayed, which created a whole new world of fighting and other behavior problems, which we knew were temporary. The week before Christmas they were both spayed, recovered well, and things have quieted down quite a lot!

    Kandy, being the quirky dog she is, became the 'best friend' of the baby (who she growled at) following him about and sitting along side where ever he went, and then began to growl at the 4 year old! After carefully studying when this happened, I think she was convinced the part of the couch on which she usually sat was 'hers' and her growl was more territorial (she didn't growl at him or the baby any other time). So I made her get off the couch, had him sit next to her and pet her. Then I sat in 'her' spot with him in my lap, and after a time, invited her up to sit with us. We repeated this twice more. She hasn't growled at him since. I think now she understands the couch is not 'hers' exclusively so its not an issue anymore.

    She seems to get along just fine with everyone now, and we've not had any more of that behavior at all.

    In the mean time, we've trained her to sit and come on command (but I doubt she'll do so outside if she escapes again!) She's very smart. She's even quicker than Sammy.

    One little story, when we were taking the two dogs to the vet to be spayed, I had two of my teens with me to assure that both dogs would be properly controlled while I was filling out the paperwork. As we walked into the vet's, my two teens called out nearly simultaneously, "Look, Ma - a REAL basenji!" Someone was bringing a young male in that same morning. The kids were excited to see what a fullblooded basenji looked like.


  • I think it is a dangerous thing to tell pet owners all they have to do is be alpha, and their dog will respect them. Too many people think that means manhandling the dog into submission.

    Not what I was implying, but I suppose lots could be lost in translation when we share our experiences and opinions.

    Please dont beat or spank your dogs to assert yourself as alpha in any inhumane manner. And, for the record, I have never met a basenji that didnt want to be alpha…in my opinion...

    Sounds like you are doing great with your basenji now!! Have fun.

  • I have an older basenji that I am having problems with. Ayesha was a rescue and is 9 years old. When my granddaughters come over( they are 4 and 3) she is ok, for a while. Then she starts growling and bareing teeth. I had the girls give her treats yesterday. She is not food agressive with me, but the oldest tried to hand her some food she had dropped, she growled and nipped at her. Ayesha has a special place in my heart, but I won't put up with this. Please help!!

  • growling at the kids is their way of controlling them.

    I would teach the kids a few tricks that your basenji knows and let the kids give her a treat once she does what they ask.

  • you will either have to communicate to your basenji that the kids are in your pack and not hers, or they( kids) will need to communicate it.

  • @ayeshaandwoodysmom:

    I have an older basenji that I am having problems with. Ayesha was a rescue and is 9 years old. When my granddaughters come over( they are 4 and 3) she is ok, for a while. Then she starts growling and bareing teeth. I had the girls give her treats yesterday. She is not food agressive with me, but the oldest tried to hand her some food she had dropped, she growled and nipped at her. Ayesha has a special place in my heart, but I won't put up with this. Please help!!

    Do these kids love with you? If they only come over every so often can the dog be crated just while they are there? Or at least put her away when she starts to get unwilling to tolerate the kids. Does she have somewhere to escape from the kids. some kids like dogs so much they want to hug them and kiss them. Dogs are always real hip to that.

  • She probably has her limits as an adult…so if she's had an hour or so with the kids then just put her either in a crate or a room where the kids cannot access so she can have her alone time. Just like older people...older dogs can tolerate but so much time with little ones.

    Good Luck!

  • that is true

  • I put her in the front room and closed the door. The girls haven't tried to hug her, just gentle pats. They have dogs at home(labs), and just want to pet her. I have finally just told them not to bother here.

  • Jazz is not really fond of kids {although she is awesome w/mine, and a few others}, so If the kids go outside to play, I let her run the house; the kids come in, Jazz goes outside or in her crate.

    As with people, some dogs just don't like the company of kids. It's safest for everyone not to force the issue, IMO>

  • @Quercus:


    Be aware that if she is growling because she is nervous about the toddler, having him sit on her could make it worse. I think you could accomplish the same goal, by having her sit and having him pet her. If she truly is afraid, forcing her to tolerate him may make her much more likely to bite him when you aren't looking.

    Dogs growl for a reason, and if you force them to supress the growl, they may just bite next time with no warning.

    And I would NEVER EVER want to teach my son that the answer to deal with a growling dog was to sit on it…... jmo....._

    Ditto that , Quercus. I think that's a really scarey way to handle the situation. Surely did nothing to endear the child to the dog, and probably gave the child a dangerous idea for how to deal with aggressive dogs._

  • @JazzysMom:

    Jazz is not really fond of kids {although she is awesome w/mine, and a few others}, so If the kids go outside to play, I let her run the house; the kids come in, Jazz goes outside or in her crate.

    As with people, some dogs just don't like the company of kids. It's safest for everyone not to force the issue, IMO>

    Two of mine are not fond of children.. while they are OK at the first few minutes of greeting them… after that they are in their crates and happy to do so....

  • Topaz will never be fond of anyone..especially kids. And that's fine with me. I know her limits and for everyone's sake I just manage the situation. When it comes time for my own kids we'll have to do the same. Topaz is just off limits that's all. It happens…they're very much like humans...you like what you like & if you don't than that's just a fact of life.

    Now C3PO loves kids & people & can't get enough attention. Unless of course you're wearing scrubs theeeeeen he's not too fond of you LOL 😃

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