• www.evergreenbasenjiclub.org
    has a basenji owners manual, a great workbook for the first time basenji owner.
    Its only $10 and full of tips.
    Go to the site and on the left hand side you will find info on the manual.

    So do you crate her?
    What type of training have you done with her yet? if none,
    I would suggest a gentle basic obedience class for you both.

  • Sharron - I crate her at night and keep her corraled in a large bathroom during the day if I'm out. I haven't had many problems with the crate. I leave the door open and she will lay in it during the day when tired. I haven't taken her to a formal obedience class but have had a lot of training (on my part and on Roxy's) from a sister-in-law who was an animal trainer in a previous life. Roxy does very well on the leash. She pulls very little anymore. She will sit next to me when I stop. She responds to sit, stay, get down and come as long as I am near her. I cannot walk away and expect her to stay. And I can't yet get her to come when called (unless I have something she wants!). If I have a treat in my hand, she will sit and freeze for quite a long time. (I usually count in my head and can get to 20.)

    We had a few day of up all night a couple of weeks ago. My sis suggested keeping her awake as late as possible and then giving her a snack before putting her down for the night. Works like a charm!

    I'm so surprized at her energy. I get her out for a walk every morning and every evening. And I take her to a dog park about 3 nights a week.

  • It sounds like your doing everything right re this girl ..
    Excellent work with the crate…
    The peeing is a mystery to me...
    Could she have a bladder infection?
    You are doing strip testing on her pee for sugar yes?
    If not, we can sure send you that info.
    I can't wait to see the photo of your girl.
    Are you going to do any lurecoursing or rally with her?
    She doesn't need to be AKC to be able to do those fun activities.

  • I don't know if you are in Northern California or Southern California but both have basenji clubs and joining can be a great resource since you get to go to events and talk to other basenji owners.

    About the peeing in the house, has Roxy lost her canines yet? Those are usually the last of the baby teeth to go. During teething some dogs will "forget" their housebreaking. Inappropriate peeing can also be caued by a UTI. If she is peeing more frequently, especially going out to pee and then coming in and needing to pee again, a UTI is a possibility. Third possibility, is she spayed yet? Sometimes when the hormones start kicking in, girls will start to pee more.

    I would check for a UTI and look into scheduling a spay soon before she has her first season. That way she won't have to miss out on too much dog park time.

  • Please send me info on the urine testing. I've not heard of that although I have read a lot about possible health problems with B's. Also - I have been thinking about researching lure coursing. She is so fast compared to many of the other dogs she runs with at the park. I don't know if she'a exceptionally fast because I'm so new to all of this. I live in Southern California. Do you know of any lure coursing in this area?

  • LVoss - more food for thought. She lost her second canine about a week ago. I'm having her spayed in July. And I will follow up on the UTI possiblility. The times that she's had these accidents, she's not doing the usual back and forth run which I've learned means she needs to go out. She just walks up, squats and pees. Thanks!

  • Since you are always in the room- could it possibly be submissive urination?

  • could you define submissive urination?

  • @roxygirl:

    The times that she's had these accidents, she's not doing the usual back and forth run which I've learned means she needs to go out. She just walks up, squats and pees. Thanks!

    When my girl had a UTI that is exactly what would happen. She would find me but then just pee. She was 3 years old at the time and hadn't had any accidents since puppyhood so it was very out of character.

    As for lure coursing, there is some lure coursing in Southern California. The next running event is actually an NOTRA event a week from Sunday in Tehachapi. That is also the same day as the South Coast Basenji Fanciers A Match. For more information about what is going on in Southern California there is a SoCal Yahoo group. It is pretty quiet but I am sure that would change if there were more members on it asking questions about upcoming events. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SoCalBasenji/?yguid=302512484 I am in Northern California but my mom is in Southern California so I know of some of the events.

    You should also consider doing the DNA Marker Test for Fanconi that way you know if you will need to do monthly strip testing for life. http://www.basenjihealth.org/linkage-faq.html

  • @roxygirl:

    could you define submissive urination?

    submissive urination happens when a young or shy dog will pee during times of excitment or stress as a signal that the person or dog that it is interacting with that it is not a threat. It usually happens during greetings like when you first come home.

  • All good advice. Have the vet check her out to see what is going on.
    Do let us know how it goes…

  • Yes, please consider doing the DNA testing for Fanconi and also you might want to pass that info on to the person that bred her…so that they can test the parents.
    And really, if I read your post right, 4 times in two weeks at her age is really not that bad... usually unless there is a UTI going on... it is just that "we" as the human has missed the sign that they need to go out.... And for sure, teething can put a "hiccup" in house training"..

  • I will take the advise given and will have her tested for a UTI. I know that both parents of Roxy were tested for Fanconi and were negative. Perhaps I'm expecting too much too soon?

  • @roxygirl:

    I will take the advise given and will have her tested for a UTI. I know that both parents of Roxy were tested for Fanconi and were negative. Perhaps I'm expecting too much too soon?

    Were they DNA tested and in that case would be on the OFA site? or just strip tested?….

  • I hope your friend who gave you this pup will get her dogs fixed.
    I do rescue and your b was very lucky to have found you…but so many are not able to get home.
    The health testing is so important, if your going to breed dogs..
    I hope they are open to doing this for their dogs so they will know the health of the pups they place.

  • Sounds like submissive urination to me. You are now the pack leader. Try to encourage pack integration without overt (fear) domination.

    Other than that…..congrats on your new 'senji, don't buy any fuzzy slippers, and guard your toilet paper and kleenex as if it's gold.

    BTW..."baptised by fire"....perfect description for the first time owner---no matter how much you read, or how prepared you think you are, there's always something else.

  • @tanza:

    Were they DNA tested and in that case would be on the OFA site? or just strip tested?….

    I'll have to ask. I was told that they were tested and negative. Thanks.

  • If you know the parents' names or registration numbers you can check for yourself at http://www.offa.org Since you were told the parents were "negative", I would bet they have only been strip tested monthly which does not mean they could not produce an affected offspring. The DNA Marker test gives one of three results Probably Clear, Probably Carrier, and Probably Affected. If a puppy has at least one Probably Clear parent then it can not be Affected.

  • @roxygirl:

    I'll have to ask. I was told that they were tested and negative. Thanks.

    And if they have not been DNA tested for Fanconi and I would agree with lvoss, they were most likely only strip tested that would show they are not spilling sugar on that day, it really would be the best thing you could do, to find out your pups status….

  • I agree, all b's should be tested so the owners know the issues that can happen to the dogs that they love, and prepare for the future.
    Knowledge is power and this can give information and comfort, depending on your results.
    Its worth every penny they charge.. IMO.

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