• WOW…... I can only image.... glad that everyone is OK

  • OMG! :eek: I'm so glad you got Storm and you're both alright!!!! Only you would be thinking about having your camera with you! It's a good thing you didn't turn that corner a couple seconds later. Looks like you're in need of some of that bear spray I bought for the coyotes!

  • Pat I nearly peed my darn pants! lol!!! I certainly wasn't expecting that visitor this afternoon! I'm still all frazzled from it!

  • Lynn I just emailed you for the bear pepper spray info 🙂 - I think it'd be a good, safe investment!

  • Glad it turned out well for you both.

  • @red:

    Pat I nearly peed my darn pants! lol!!! I certainly wasn't expecting that visitor this afternoon! I'm still all frazzled from it!

    No kidding…. I would be frazzled too... of course Stormie is most likely thinking... "Hey Mom... I would protect you"!!!!!

  • OMG…there would not have been a near peeing, I would have wet myself for sure!!

    How did you ever maintain your composure, and hold on to that squirming, hunt intrigued, vocal dog??

    Glad you're both OK. Does your state trap/relocate wildlife?

  • OMG - quick thinking on your part to get Stormie and run! I'm so glad you're both unharmed. Bear spray - a good thing. Hope you don't need to use it, but good insurance.

  • Wow what a scare! Good thinking to grab Stormie (I know how squirmy they can get - EL D is an armful!).
    I did some work for a bear biologist and he told me that you should not turn and run from a black bear (all bets are off if you're in grizzly country) but to carefully move away talking loudly to the bear so s/he hears you. Unless they are used to coming to your garbage, they don't want to be near you either. So you did the right thing. But still - that was close!

  • Everytime I walk outside I am very wary now. I checked into trap and relocation for the bear, but the PA Game Commision won't do anything unless the bear is doing actual physical damage to your property (ie: house siding being torn off etc.). Apparently nearly scaring the pants off a person doesn't count for much! lol! I also ordered the bear pepper spray - better safe than sorry!
    Oh and Stormie? He still thinks the bear is going to come back so he can have a go at him! lol! He's such a little nutter - but I know he'd do his best to protect his Momma!

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