Lenny won't eat! Why?
Poor boy. How is he now?
He seems to be getting a little better… I am trying to keep him hydrated and have been feeding him baby food, which he has, for the most part, kept down. He has been peeing multiple times a day and actually pooped this morning which was a breakthrough, but nothing came out that seemed problematic. He is not as active as he normally is, but he does still have a little pep. Hopefully when I get home he will excrete whatever is clogging up his system.
The last time this happened, the doc took about 12 x-rays but could not really conclude anything from them. So I ended up paying about $1700 to just let him pass it on his own. They did give him an IV, which I think helped, but I didn't figure out what was going on until he was already dehydrated last time. I think since he is keeping down the water/food I give him and is consistantly peeing thats a good sign. If he starts to act more lethargic, or starts to vomit what i give him, I"ll take him in....