I found this formula in a "household tips" book by a guy named Haley.
1 gallon water
1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
1/4 cup Tabasco sauce
mix and spray affected area - i.e. the top of the fence
I had a Sheltie next door that used my side yard for a bathroom constantly. Bad enough to have to pick up after my own dog before grass-cutting let alone the neighbor's too. A different neighbor told me that the Sheltie had been trained to do that B4 I bought the house. Anyway, it worked great!! I just used a regular watering can to put it down rather than buy a sprayer. It didn't effect the grass at all and, according to the book, should work on a multitude of "lawn loiterers".
Sorry, Arleigh just decided he'd put in his "2 cents" but I guess he's adjusting for inflation!! Should've hit "submit" B4 I put the keyboard down, it's a cordless and we're sitting on the couch together!!:D
Anyone know anyone needing a place to live in Ann Arbor, Michigan
I know this is a long shot but seems like this community has gotten so large that it's just possible that someone knows someone who knows someone who needs a place to live in Ann Arbor, Michigan!
I just posted this craigslist ad for renting my townhouse in Michiganβ¦. the ad doesn't say it but I would definitely give preference to Basenji owners!
I would think that if you posted that or dog owner considered, you would have a ton of folks coming to see your place.
Good luck.