• My boy was mute for an entire year until we brought our tri into the house. Kiya loves to talk. She will gggrrrrr, sweek and baroo. After Chance saw her make noises he started to as well.

  • @tanza:

    Mute as far as Barooing? Sure are.. my OJ has never baroo'ed in his life and he is closing in on 17yrs old…. Maggii baroo'ed maybe 10 times in her life...and she is closing in on 17 also.

    Mickii will baroo, but only on her terms when she wants...ggg and Kristii never baroo'ed until she was over 10yrs old...

    Kobey and Crystal both do not and have never baroo'ed

    Yea Tanza, I meant mute in regard to barooing.. and you answered my question! Do yours that have never barooed make any other noises?

  • @DiegosMom:

    Yea Tanza, I meant mute in regard to barooing.. and you answered my question! Do yours that have never barooed make any other noises?

    Oh yes… many, many noises... gggg....

  • I know that Senji baroos a lot more when there is a full moon. Sometimes my dad and brother can get him to start barooing if they make howling noises. It never works when I try to get him to howl. It must be a guy thing. 😉

  • @elena86:

    I know that Senji baroos a lot more when there is a full moon. Sometimes my dad and brother can get him to start barooing if they make howling noises. It never works when I try to get him to howl. It must be a guy thing. 😉

    Wow, how funny! Full moon and more baroos, must check that out.

  • Mirtillo baroos when he really wants something, but can't get it: attention of people or other dogs. And when he sees a bird while on leash..
    He also does it when we play with his toys and he gets really excited.

    He makes a lot of other noices as well. No growling so far.

  • Shadow is very vocal-but does not really baroo. Sugar will baroo all the time-if you say to her-What did you do? or Did you do that? especially, she will wag her tail, cuddle and baroo. Damisi has never baroo'd and does not make many other noises other than a growl.

  • Nicky has baroo'd twice in his entire life. He is far more vocal when he is unhappy than he is when he is happy. No amount of encouraging, hearing other basenji baroo, coaxing, etc will get him to baroo. My girls are all huge talkers and love to roo. They each have very different voices and different styles. Rally probably has the best and clearest baroo. My husband would regularly encourage her rooing when she was pregnant hoping that her babies would be more inclined to yodel. In her first litter she had two yodelers, one occassional yodeler, and one never yodels. In her second litter they are all talkers and yodelers but the sire of that litter is also vocal. Rio a daughter from her first litter roos all the time. Her roos are kind of funny though because they start off nice and clear and she usually ends them with a sort of (blah, blah, blah) at the end. Her half sister Sophie yodels frequently but her voice is much deeper than her mom's and sister's and when she is revving up to a yodel she sometimes sounds growly but it is just her happy sound. She yodels most for my mom and her agility instructor and if you don't let her go over to see them when she notices them she will just get more and more vocal so they know she is there.

  • I am jealous of all those who have rooing B's, or B's that make any noise! The only noise I have heard my girl make is screaming (when she runs infront of me and I trip over her, or when I try to take bad things from her mouth on walks!), which isnt pleasant to hear!

  • fender baroos about 1/3 of the time when i come home. he will baroo for my husbands 90% when he comes home…no fair.

  • I always go over to the EBC specality in Aug in Wa.
    It often happens that one basenji will start to "sing" and the the other ones will join in.
    I have be delighted with the singing they make!
    BUT I did hear a non basenji person say "barkless my a**"

  • My EL D has never really baroooed that I know of. He's come close and maybe he would at his original kennel with all his family around but not for me. 😞

  • Ruby's a big baroo'er…she'll baroo to greet, baroo when she is happy, baroo to get a bully stick, baroo to get her dinner. Since Brando joined the family, she'll baroo at him if he isn't paying attention to her.

    Brando so far has only barked (he didn't read the basenji manual of noises :D). He's barked multiple times in a row at my father and at a house guest...but this weekend, he barked once at me but it was actually a note, not just a bark, so I'm hopeful Ruby's singing will catch on.

  • I've tried barooing for the dogs with no results. I wonder if I keep at it, they'll finally catch on. Duke screams when Raj plays too rough or you trip over him (I'm kind of a klutz). Raj has barooed once. That was when we first picked them up from the breeder. He barooed, pooped all over the crate, then proceeded to step and sit in it. What a lovely first 15 minutes we had with our boys!

  • Dallas is VERY vocal sometimes but as far as baroo-ing, not so much. I think I have only heard him do it 2-3 times since I've had him? It is cute though & I wish I could get him to do it more often!

    Dallas will also bark. It's a whimpy bark but what I would consider a bark nonetheless. He only does that though when he is in his crate & wants out & knows people are in the house.

  • @RajandDuke:

    He barooed, pooped all over the crate, then proceeded to step and sit in it. What a lovely first 15 minutes we had with our boys!

    Haha, LOL! 😃

  • my girl has not made a peep until today - it was not a yodel not a baroo, it was a full on BARK like, woof woof, and totally strange… Does anyone elses B bark???

    ps. She Ra is only 4 months, but I just thought I would throw it out there....

  • @leiko:

    my girl has not made a peep until today - it was not a yodel not a baroo, it was a full on BARK like, woof woof, and totally strange… Does anyone elses B bark???

    ps. She Ra is only 4 months, but I just thought I would throw it out there....

    Yup…Brando is a barker...and does it multiple times in a row...I've yet to hear him yodel or baroo. Although one of his barks the other day was clearly a note so I'm hopeful he'll follow Ruby's lead and start singing once in a while. Ruby has only barked once (a single bark at that) and it was when my brother startled her late at night.

  • My girl barks…and she will do it over and over, if she is mad at her brother, or wants some attention.
    I think this is a warning sound...she doesn't make any other noises however.
    My boy freezes in his tracks when she does it to him!
    Always makes me laugh.

  • Talker is the talker in our pack. He yodels and barroooos and makes all types of sounds. He will also bark one bark at a time. Sometimes he'll do two in a row.

    Savannah never yodels, but she'll give out one warning bark. Its short. She'll whimper when she's happy but she's never yodel.

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