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More than one heat??

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Kali's in heat again, and this has confounded my family and I because we thought that Bs were supposed to go into heat once a year in the fall. Did I read somewhere that having more than one dog can affect the cycle?

    Someone fill me in please!

  • @KaliRoo:

    Kali's in heat again, and this has confounded my family and I because we thought that Bs were supposed to go into heat once a year in the fall. Did I read somewhere that having more than one dog can affect the cycle?

    Someone fill me in please!

    Not all Basenjis "read" the same books with the rules. There are some Basenjis that do indeed have two seasons a year.

  • It is becoming more and more common for bitches to have 2 seasons a year now my bitch included. I know of several bitches that have 2 a year.

  • There are some bloodlines (pedigrees) that are known for two seasons.. and I know people that have imported from Australia that have had really strange seasons with their US dogs, since the breeding season there is reversed from ours…

  • Mercy mercy!!!
    I know Kali isn't one of mine..
    and everything that comes from my home cycles 2x a year…
    there was even the really nutty year that De La cycle 4x in 14 months...
    now THAT was crazy!!!

    I would even take D in for smears and she would ovulate on all those weird seasons...
    had puppies on the spring season too!!

    Kali just wants to be in charge...
    guess what..SHE IS NOW !!! :eek:

  • Both of mine came in again this year, but in my experience, if they are around another bitch basenji that is in season, it may bring the others in also. Mine showed no inclination to going into season, and yet, first one and then the other! They did go to a show where there was another bitch in season before this.

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    @tanza -- I know. They also don't typically have one in June, which is why I was asking about whether she had whelped last cycle. I don't think we have a lot to go on. Not being critical, but "my dog seems to be in heat for over a month" doesn't provide a lot of information and could mean a lot of different things.
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