• Wait- is that dog she is holding on her lap or the bear? :p 😉 That is so cute!

  • Yes, Apollo (pictured there at a year!) still thinks he's a lap dog!

  • Even though the bit doesn't look bad, make sure you get both dogs looked at by a vet. Ask your vet about boosting vaccines and antibiotics. Wild animal bites (of any type) are very nasty.

  • Blaze has killed two coyotes now. The first one I didn't even know about, until he came back covered in blood. None of it was his, but we found the coyote the next day at the edge of the fence. Scarey enough, we were out side round the firepit and never heard a thing…
    The second time, he was whining to get out of the house, I let him out, thinking he had to go pee. He stood on the deck, staring out past the sheep pen, then made a weird warning snarl sound. The sheep moved to the closer fence to us, then Blaze took off like a shot. I thought he was going to kill the sheep. He ran right past them, that when I saw the grey blur take off. Blaze overtook him no problem and took him down. That was last year when Blaze was twelve.

  • The coyotes in our area are certainly getting bolder. We hear them a lot at night in the woods, which I've always thought was so cool. But, I think I told you last Summer there was a large one just outside our back yard fence, in early afternoon, while the kids and all three dogs were out there. It seemed not to even notice we were all there.

    My niece lives a couple of miles away on the other side of the wooded area. She has five acres, partially wooded, and fenced. The fences are separate different areas of her yard, so she has a fenced dog area w/in the confines of the larger fences {hope that makes sense} She has coyotes in her yard all the time, INSIDE the larger fenced area. Lately, she has had one coyote that hangs near the dog area, in the afternoon, WHILE her three pit bulls are out, and last week she said it appeared to be trying to engage them in play. It freaks her out a bit because she wonders what the next step is, AND she has a 7 mos old baby that she envisions taking out in the yard in the late Summer/early Fall.

    I think, sadly, she's going to need to contact DNR or someone about him.

  • OMG thankfully he is ok

  • See there is Truth Behind that saying about a womans wrath .. In this case a Female B 🙂 …................. Also Did ur male B get scratched by the coyote or was it a bite ??

  • Oh, my, Hubby and I are going to Montana in Aug.
    He is taking a painting class, and I am going along with the 2 b's.
    I was thinking, yea, I can find an open area, no cars around and let them run.
    I did think about snakes, but I didn't think about the larger "critters" who could hurt them.
    Timely post for me.
    Does anyone know, are coyotes out more in the daytime or evening?
    Or does it matter?

  • Sharron,
    They are mostly active morning and evening. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Open areas to run your "b's" is a good idea. Just keep a watchful eye, and have some really tasty treats with you to get the dogs to come when you want. I run mine off leash all the time for 6 years where there are coyotes. Just keep alert, you'll be fine.-Tim

  • Thanks Tim. I appreciate your post.
    It will be all new for us all, so treats it is.

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