• Thought it might be fun to talk about games that people play with their B's
    This is a game called "silly girl" I tell her she's being silly and she starts burrowing under the covers to attack me from under the blankets. She'll keep going until she finds the other side of her "tunnel"! Usually happens when I'm a bit slow getting my shoes on after she convinces me it's time for a walk


  • We play a game called "Go Get Daddy" I tell Jack to "Go get Daddy" and jack runs over to DH. He tells him to "Go get Mommy" and he runs over to me.

    We also play a sort-of keep away game. We try to touch him on the side, or on the top of the head, or his paw, and he bounces around trying to keep us from touching him. Its really funny, because he bounces around about 2 feet in front of us going "betcha can't catch me! Wanna try? huh? huh? Betcha can't! Betcha Can't!"

  • When She-Ra gets really wound up, she'll jump on the bed and we'll play a game of slaps. She gets down on all fours and tries to "slap" my hand if I put it on the bed, at which point I have to try and slap her paw. This can go on for hours.

  • @torchsong:

    When She-Ra gets really wound up, she'll jump on the bed and we'll play a game of slaps. She gets down on all fours and tries to "slap" my hand if I put it on the bed, at which point I have to try and slap her paw. This can go on for hours.

    I play the exact game with Seti - he loves it πŸ™‚

  • We play a game like your slap paw. Make my hand work like a alligator chomping and say "alligator, allligator" after their paws . My husband started this with his first basenji and the two new ones just love it. Also with the tri you can play wind up the dog by pretending to wind that curly tail. It usually results in the 500 thru the house. This breed is really all a bunch of play babies. They really are tons of fun.

  • We play slap paw, and bite-the-hand that slaps the paw and an advanced version with the hand under the covers. That can lead to a fur-ocious attack on the 'under-cover monster'. 'Shake the stuffed duck to death' is another game, and tug-the-toy is one they play with each other. Mine are ages 12, 10 and 8, so not as silly as they once were!

    Anne in Tampa

  • We play a B500 tag sort of game. EL D will start the B500 and then pretty soon he's careening near or off my legs and so I try to tag him as he passes.
    Now that we finally have spring up here and can play in the yard, EL D has plenty room to really get up speed and I rarely can tag him.

    Another game we play is chase the lure. From the deck I cast out an old big plastic fishing lure (minus hooks) and EL D goes wild trying to catch it – because it still has the little lip on it that most fishing lures have, it wiggles through the grass rather than just a straight drag. It's hilarious watching him go after it.

  • @wizard:

    Another game we play is chase the lure. From the deck I cast out an old big plastic fishing lure (minus hooks) and EL D goes wild trying to catch it – because it still has the little lip on it that most fishing lures have, it wiggles through the grass rather than just a straight drag. It's hilarious watching him go after it.

    That is so funny! I can just see it!

  • rocky likes hide and seek πŸ™‚ ill get him to chase me.. and hide really fast and he'll search for me.. lol

  • Tallulah loves to hide her "babies" from me and when I find one she gets very excited as if it were a surprise that I found them. πŸ™‚
    You never know what you will find when you move the furniture. I've found undergarments that have been missing for weeks!

  • Indi and I play tag, I will start by chasing him, then when we reach a good point I will turn around and he will bend down for me to tag him, and then off again in the opposite order, until he turns around, etc. We have reciently added a hide and go seek portion to the game where I will get him running around and then suddenly hide and he comes stalking around the house and I try to surprise him by jumping out and tagging him.

    Stupid, yes but we love it.

  • Booger & I play hide & seek. I throw a toy; he goes to fetch it while I hide. He drops the toy where I threw it from & then goes to look for me. Nothing can distract him until he has found me, but we don't play as much as we once did because he got too smart for the limited number of hiding places my little brain can think up.

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