• [yt]Vy3zwzHL0Ls[/yt]

    To me there is just something wrong with this video. That Basenji is angry enough that he bit his owner. I can get my girl upset by telling her it's bath time and try to drag her to the bathroom, but she has never bit me, not even snapped at me.
    watch the video… Let me know what you think...

  • I saw this video a while ago, but was not sure if I wanted to post it here. I did not want to give this guy's video anymore public attention for aggravating his basenji to the point of biting.

    The cat is out of the bag now. Maybe it will deter unresearched and unfit people from getting Bs.

  • This guy is soo irritating…...

  • I saw that video not too long ago, and was a little disturbed as well. Jack will still nip when he is playing (something we are working on) but I have only once seen him growl, and that was when someone he didn't know came up to the car and looked in the window while I was sitting inside with him.

    I can't imagine what that guy must have done to him to give him that attitude.

  • I'm too afraid to even watch it. It's probably just another reason why every once in awhile we tell little miss Mya (like she can really understand) why she's so fortunate that she has such a great home and loving family.

  • Im sorry but that video offends me. Who in their right can someone do that to a dog and then brag about it by making a video of that nature! That is not funny. Not funny at all. To be quite honest….I wish the dog would of bit him right in the face! He deserved it. That poor dog. He is just taunting him like a stupid kid!!!!

  • I'm glad to see that I wasn't just overreacting to this and it does make other just as angry…

  • Wow, my husband and I must have a warped sense of humor because we've always thought this video was hilarious.

    It seems as if the dog is showing off for the camera, which would not be unusual for a basenji.

  • I thought it was funny at first because it was all joking and fun, but once he started aggitaiting the dog and making him snap it got really annoying and not funny anymore..

  • @DiegosMom:

    I thought it was funny at first because it was all joking and fun, but once he started aggitaiting the dog and making him snap it got really annoying and not funny anymore..

    That's the way I feel too… Like I said, I can get my girl upset and growling at me by teasing her with "bath time" but I feel that this guy took it too far...

  • @Porthos:

    That's the way I feel too… Like I said, I can get my girl upset and growling at me by teasing her with "bath time" but I feel that this guy took it too far...

    If I creep up to our boy and put my hands out like I am going to pick him up and say "crate" he freaks! Its just the way you approach him. You can't creep up to him with your hands out like Frankenstein. His mohawk goes up and he gets agro.

  • Poor dog! He keeps saying "Back off, please go away, leave me alone, back off, you're upsetting me" and the owner keeps pushing the pup.

  • Here is the guy's description of his video on YouTube:
    "A bite filled dangerous look at my ex-girlfriends crazy dog Niles and his sister Lulu"…

    Since the dogs belong to the ex maybe you can rest assured that he's not hanging around them anymore!

  • Okay, I found this a little humerous. Sorry. The guy is obviously trying to imitate Steve Irwin. And if you notice, he is gentle with the dog the entire time– gentle and slow hand movements, calm voice. We can't pretend to know what the circumstances were-- maybe the B came from an abusive home. Maybe he just doesn't like to be moved (my guess). He's obviously a loved dog- the guy dresses him up in little tuxes and takes pictures.

    We rescued one of our dogs from the pound. We don't know anything about his past. But I do know that he will make a similar noise as the dog in the video if you try to pick him up. He knows you're going to snuggle with him and strach his belly- which he loves-- but he'll still make the noise anyway. It's really weird -- but he never tries to bite us.

    I don't know- I didn't think it was THAT bad.

  • It's not that bad and I also found a little funny in the beggining of the video, until the dog tried to bite his face. It started well and ended in a disappointment. I think I can probably get Chance aggravated like that, but it would take a lot of teasing and pushing his buttons.

    We don't know where this dog came from, but he obviousely does not like to be told that he is staying at home…

  • Well… when an animal warns you-- you should really take precautions. But it's not like the guy was poking him or pulling his ears or tail though. He was slowly touching his back.

    It's my opinion that the Basenji needs to learn some social skills. It's not okay for a dog to have that strong of a reaction to gentle touches and a calm voice. The guy was doing the same thing to the TRI and we're not upset with him for that.

  • Yes, it's weird. I would not encourage that behaivour though by petting him. Eventually the dog will really bite his face.

  • @BDawg:

    Well… when an animal warns you-- you should really take precautions. But it's not like the guy was poking him or pulling his ears or tail though. He was slowly touching his back.

    It's my opinion that the Basenji needs to learn some social skills. It's not okay for a dog to have that strong of a reaction to gentle touches and a calm voice. The guy was doing the same thing to the TRI and we're not upset with him for that.

    Fine…dog needs to learn some skills...but do you honestly think that harrassing the dog into reacting is the way to do it? He is encouraging the dog to practice a behavior that nobody in their right mind wants to see their dog doing...

    I didn't find anything remotely funny about it. If it was a child and someone was provoking him into that kind of anger we would call it abuse. And then to film it, and put it out there as a joke...yuck!

  • The guy who made this video must be really happy now, our whole BF community is talking about him. Maybe he will see the referalls in his youtube account from this forum thread and come here to explain.

  • If anyone cares, this is a comment the guy left on his youtube wall for this video, "Niles is a happy but crazy dog. He seems more mad than he is. If I stop and move away, he comes over and starts at it again. I really am not abusing him, promise!"

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