• Tanza- Thanks for answering how long the blowing coat could last.. thats what i was looking for! It's funny because my Bmix who usually sheds a ton is not shedding at all and his coat is super soft, and Meeka (my 😎 who is usually super soft and doesnt shed a hair is shedding like crazy!

  • Last month Jayden was shedding like crazy. All I could think of was those people who think that basenjis don't shed. With him, we didn't notice a change in his appearance…just the hair on dark furniture or clothes. NOW Cory is shedding and it is entirely different. We don't see hair all over the place but she looks like a moth eaten old rug!!!! At first we thought the little "bald" spots were from the 2 dogs playing too rough. Then we noticed that she now sports a thick fringe on each side of her butt and her new and improved hairline is creeping upward. It almost looks like she is wearing a saddle of winter coat with the sleeker summer coat down by her stomach. She also has a tuft of winter hair left on each cheek of her face. I didn't realize she HAD a winter coat until she started losing it. We keep telling her that she looks as attractive as a Yak! I've been brushing her with an old grooming glove left over from our previous dogs. This afternoon I guess I'll see if I can speed things up by putting her in the tub and using a zoom groom.


  • @BasenjiDiva:

    Last month Jayden was shedding like crazy. All I could think of was those people who think that basenjis don't shed. With him, we didn't notice a change in his appearance…just the hair on dark furniture or clothes. NOW Cory is shedding and it is entirely different. We don't see hair all over the place but she looks like a moth eaten old rug!!!! At first we thought the little "bald" spots were from the 2 dogs playing too rough. Then we noticed that she now sports a thick fringe on each side of her butt and her new and improved hairline is creeping upward. It almost looks like she is wearing a saddle of winter coat with the sleeker summer coat down by her stomach. She also has a tuft of winter hair left on each cheek of her face. I didn't realize she HAD a winter coat until she started losing it. We keep telling her that she looks as attractive as a Yak! I've been brushing her with an old grooming glove left over from our previous dogs. This afternoon I guess I'll see if I can speed things up by putting her in the tub and using a zoom groom.


    Yes, don't you love the places that say they "don't" shed… WRONG...

    And a warm bath and when they are wet, use the zoom groom, the warm water will loosen the hair and the zoom groom will help it to come out. I used to wind up with tons of hair in the tub that way.. (be sure to block the drain so you don't clog up the pipes)....

  • Well, the bath and zoom groom only got a fraction of the undercoat. I think this is going to be a project that takes awhile. Meanwhile, I think I could make Cory a coat and dress her up as shibu inu for halloween with all the fluff that I'm getting off her. Good grief, you'd think we live in Alaska instead of Georgia. She really didn't need that much of a winter coat!


  • What is a zoom groom and where do I find it, Sahara is shedding like crazy!

  • @youngandtired:

    What is a zoom groom and where do I find it, Sahara is shedding like crazy!


    Here is an example, most all pet stores carry them

  • You know… I spent like 20minutes searching the internet for this exact information, and couldn't find anything really helpful. So I thought to myself, I wonder if the Basenji forum has anything... and here is the exact answer I needed! I need to remember to just check here first.

  • My dog's name is MEEKA also… how strange!

    She was shedding like mad also.... FURMINATOR! Worked wonders. Be careful though they are a bit aggressive, but work great!

  • Okay, I admit this is an area I'm stupid about. Shaye was born in December and never shed - just appeared to keep getting darker red. Now she's shedding her white hairs, she looks like her ears are losing their hair, she's changing color on the side of her neck, but when I slicker brush her I don't get hair in it - is this "blowing coat?" Love that phrase, never heard it before. Nothing in her diet, exercise or living conditions has changed. Only her attitude. Like all 7 1/2 month olds, she's getting more stubborn, though I thought that was impossible.

  • Juse read a note about the Furminator, which you can buy at Petsmart and Petco, which evidently does a great job handling the shedding situation - definitely going shopping this afternoon!

  • I'm using that Furminator and it's really great. It gets the hair the other brushes miss. His coat looks better too!

  • I have to say when I first read this I had to laugh not at the fact of the blowing coat but when you have had a long hair akita this to me is nothing. I told my daughter I love this blowing coat its great. The shiba has there two times a year of blowing coat. Jaycee has been a dream come true.

    Rita Jean

  • Abby blew her coat last month and has already grown her winter fur! It's only august and we live in IL so it's not cold here. But I did notice that she is not black anymore on her sides it's kind of a brownish black. Her fur is very thick and long up around her neck! She has never changed color before but it is all of her soft undercoat that is a different color.

  • Our Shiba is getting her winter coat but not our Basenji. I wonder if we can cause it when we run our air in the house. Warm when they go out and cool or cold when they come in.

    Rita Jean

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