Everyday chew?
I go a different direction.
I go to the meat section and ask them to cut a beef leg into 1 1/2 inch sections.
I take it home, freeze it and give the dogs one each a day, frozen.
It takes them at least an hour to get the marrow out, its doesn't stink at all and it cost about $4.00 for 4-6 sections.
This is the marrow bone, and this is what I do in my house.I do the same thing…I buy a week's supply, dig out most of the marrow and freeze them. I give Ruby & Brando one every morning in their crate when I leave for work. Ruby doesn't even watch me head for the door and she immediately digs in :D...and that is HUGE because she is somewhat crate phobic. Brando loves the bones as well, but he still cries a bit when I leave...but that is getting better and usually stops by the time I get to the bottom of the stairs.
I only give bullysticks when I'm around because Brando would finish it off during the course of the day and I like to throw them out when there is only about 2-3inches left as I'm afraid he could choke on it.
I go a different direction.
I go to the meat section and ask them to cut a beef leg into 1 1/2 inch sections.
I take it home, freeze it and give the dogs one each a day, frozen.
It takes them at least an hour to get the marrow out, its doesn't stink at all and it cost about $4.00 for 4-6 sections.
This is the marrow bone, and this is what I do in my house.Any problem with the bones splintering?
I go a different direction.
I go to the meat section and ask them to cut a beef leg into 1 1/2 inch sections.
I take it home, freeze it and give the dogs one each a day, frozen.
It takes them at least an hour to get the marrow out, its doesn't stink at all and it cost about $4.00 for 4-6 sections.
This is the marrow bone, and this is what I do in my house.Sharron- Do they just eat the marrow or the whole bone? Do you know if there is any other "parts"" that you can get from the butcher? And when you say meat section, are you talking at the grocery store or at a butcher? Can marrow make runny poop or upset tummys?
Any problem with the bones splintering?
I've never had any problem with the bones splintering…I have noticed that they wear the bone down pretty well though. I scrape out most of the marrow only because I've read that it is really fatty so they only get a little taste of that. The bones still really hold their interest even w/out the marrow.
I get my bones at Red Apple grocery story.
I think you can call any meat department and ask for them.
My 2 have never had a issue with the bones splintering.
Also, you can ask for a knuckle bone, they are pretty large for a b, but they can cut them into pieces for you.
I find them to be a bit more messy, but the dogs do clean up the area well.
Call your meat dept and ask about dog bones. -
I get my bones at Red Apple grocery story.
I think you can call any meat department and ask for them.
My 2 have never had a issue with the bones splintering.
Also, you can ask for a knuckle bone, they are pretty large for a b, but they can cut them into pieces for you.
I find them to be a bit more messy, but the dogs do clean up the area well.
Call your meat dept and ask about dog bones. -
Oh, a second post..sorry about that.
I went to Publix this afternoon and the butcher told me that they frequentlly get a bag of already cut marrow bones - 1 to 1 1/2 inches. It cost me only $1.95 for 5 frozen bones. I am anxious to try them out on Cory and Jayden. They are going to think they died and went to heaven!!!
Great, now a tip, give the b's the bones frozen.
Also, if you don't crate your dogs for treats I don't make sure you have a towel over the couch, if that is where they chose to chew.
The bones do bleed a bit, but a towel will take care of that.
If they use the floor use some proxide on the floor, it will break up any "mess" that is left, but is very little.
Let me know how they like it.
Oh, you can also restuff the bones and freeze them for crate treats.