Senior Tri in a Shelter in MI

  • awww, I hope he finds a good home! He looks like such a sweet boy.

  • He is certainly a handsome devil! I hope he finds his forever home very soon!

  • I emailed the shelter and they said he is a gentle dog who is laid back and already fixed. They took him into the "cat room" and he showed no big interest in the cats even though the cats were showing lots to him.

  • Hey guys.. I emailed the shelter and Banjo is still there… looks like he is a purebred B (and rather stunning at that!) - but he is in a regular SPCA, can we/should we notify BRAT? I doubt this is a "no kill" shelter... ?? I really want to help this old gentleman, at 9 years old, he should be snuggling in someone's lap not in a shelter dog run.:mad: :mad: :mad:

  • I feel sorry for the poor ole guy – Michigan is too far for me.

  • I emailed him into Brat, and talked a little more to the SPCA ppl who have him.. 🙂 I hope he is on his way to a forever home. 🙂

  • Oh, these old dear ones just break my heart.
    I so hope he finds a home/foster soon.

  • I know… 9 years old!!? It must be so upsetting for the poor guy. Sharron, please let me know if you hear of anything on the BRAT wave... I hope I did it all correctly!

  • Sadly, some of the shelter will not work with BRAT.
    But I am hopeful we can "spring' this guy.

  • Really?? That seems extraordinary…. I mean with the shelters so packed, I would imagine they would be thrilled of giving a dog a chance with a breed specific organization.

    mini update it seems like he has been in shelter care for months. came in with a UTI... is doing better currently, but ouch!

  • Some shelters want to "sell" the purebred dog to help them make $$.
    I have found that shelters who try to rehome b's find they bounce back pretty quickly, and are happy to have our help.
    But all we can do is offer.
    Myself, in my area, I take into on B's and put it with the dogs info.
    if the shelter won't work for us.
    At least they can contact me when they realize they don't have a cocker spanial.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Some shelters want to "sell" the purebred dog to help them make $$.
    I have found that shelters who try to rehome b's find they bounce back pretty quickly, and are happy to have our help.
    But all we can do is offer.
    Myself, in my area, I take into on B's and put it with the dogs info.
    if the shelter won't work for us.
    At least they can contact me when they realize they don't have a cocker spanial.

    In our area, the shelters are either "purebred for profit" or they will call rescue.. each is different

  • I can't blame the shelters for trying to bring in $$$…but I wish they would give the adopters info on the dog rescue groups that can help with "issues" any dog will have...
    Course, I want any b to go into a basenji smart home/foster...but until we have none in shelters, it wont' be that way...sigh.

  • Really? Cause I was raised not to far from you Pat (we are neighbors in my former American life) and I did not know that. Seems a little twisted, but I suppose it kinda makes sense the $$ has to come from somewhere..

    UUgh. why can't ppl just SPAY/NEUT their PETS.. makes me want to tear my hair out.

    Apparently BRAT has tried to get this old guy out - but the shelter was nasty to them.. which is strange because the guy I have been talking to seems stoked that someone is taking interesting in finding this guy a foster home.

  • Sometimes, when the shelter won't work with BRAT, we can get one of our screened folks down to get the dog…
    In my area, if I get a basenji into a shelter and they won't release the dog to BRAT, I send everyone down to the shelter to "adopt" the dog...
    That is everyone we have on the BRAT list who looks to be a good b owner, I send info on the dog in the shelter
    Once I hear one of these folks have the b, then I can support them, and if needed, take the dog into foster care...keeping it out of the shelter.
    We only do what we can.
    But oh, these old dears just break my heart...

  • What a sweet face - this makes me so upset. I hope this boy finds the home he deserves - I wish it could be me. My girl wouldn't have it. I think my boy might, tho…

  • Well I'm really puzzled Sharron.. because I'm talking [actually right now] to the guy who is taking care of this old boy and he is absolutely charming and very willing to work for the good of "Banjo." So I emailed BRAT back with his name and email, and asked them to ask again - because I would be shocked to find if he didn't want to help BRAT. He actually took this B home with him because he said he couldn't stand to leave the old ones… I'm with you - it makes me teary too.

  • The stationmaster in the area has been notified as well as the BRAT board about this boy.
    Hopefully, by tomorrow, something will be worked out.
    Fingers crossed.

  • Something else that has to be considered…
    BRAT does need a place to PUT this boy. Or any rescue for that matter.
    We can all "wish" we could help, but if we don't have a family who wants a senior and most don't! we need to have a foster home for him.
    Sometimes there are no foster homes for these dogs.
    Really, we do so need folks who can step up and take in a dog for a bit of time.
    I know, we all have our own dogs, our busy lives and work so I do understand why there aren't more foster homes...
    BUT someone HAS to do it.
    If no one does, theb we have no place for these bs who need help to go.

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