Basenji's that Swim?
My 2 B's don't swim or go near cold water.
But, when they smell awfully of dead bird after a scent masking action, we take them into the shower and use lots of puppy shampoo to get them clean - they totally relax when they feel the warm water - no problem! -
Now see, my baby HATES baths no matter what. He's refused pepperoni to bet him to like baths. PEPPERONI!! But take him to the creek he will be winning and cry that the water is so cold but won't say out of it. Silly boy
JaBok is a sugar foot He doesn't even want to get his feet wet If it is raining it is a war to get him out to do his important business. Than the first thing he does when back in is lick his feet dry. If I take him out in the water he will resist with all his ferocity and when I let him go he swims straight to shore really well. He gets out shakes and the looks at me as if I were crazy for being in the water. When it is hot he will go in the water up to his chest voluntarily though. When it comes to baths it is war again. For the most part I only bath him when he roles in the horses droppings. After a couple of baths for this deed he has stopped rolling in the clods. He actually hasn't had a bath in years and he seems to keep himself really clean. So clean that when asked for a cleaning fee at motels I say no way that he is much cleaner than me and if they insist I find another motel.
Loki can swim, quite well actually. We put him in Puppy Pre K-9 at 11 weeks and he spent his Saturdays at Daycare receiving additional training, including swimming in their dock diving pool. He just won't go in voluntarily, until today! We were at the dog park and there was this female Labradoodle that he absolutely adored. She kept going in the water to retrieve her toys and he wanted to be with her so badly that he actually took to following her in and swam out a good ways quite a few times. I was so surprised, laughing and cheering, got a few strange looks. He was drenched from nose to tail. He's a funny one, food motivated yes, but even more dog motivated!