Anyone know this breeder?

  • Cindy is a BYB.
    She sells a sh*t load of puppies all over the country.
    Since she is irresponsible and does NOT take her dogs back.
    A ton of dogs she bred ended up in Colorado Basenji Rescues.
    We are constantly re-homing her dogs here in CO…very frustrating indeed.

  • @chiya:

    Cindy is a BYB.
    She sells a sh*t load of puppies all over the country.
    Since she is irresponsible and does NOT take her dogs back.
    A ton of dogs she bred ended up in Colorado Basenji Rescues.
    We are constantly re-homing her dogs here in CO…very frustrating indeed.

    Careful Steffie….you might hurt somebody's feelings! No bad talking breeders, no matter how many of their dogs you have rescued.....

    <dripping with="" sarcasm="">

    off to slap my own hands....</dripping>

  • Let me know if you guys set up an account, I can chip in $10 or so, like Nina $50.00 is steep for me right now (My GI Bill is about to run out so I will soon have to start paying for college so I am saving where I can!). Let me know, I would like to help.

  • Ditto for me as well. 🙂

  • $10-$15 from me.

  • So we're at $250 or so. Try offering that.

  • Well, I need to know first that there's a way to set this up and actually have money available before even attempting to set up a deal. I mean, what if I call and she accepts the $250, and for whatever reason the money doesn't come through? Not a chance I can afford to take.

    I'm going to email Sharron to see if BRAT has a system or can come up with a system. I have a Paypal account, but can't assume that everyone wants to send their money to my private account. I know I'm trustworthy, but let's face it…you all don't.
    Let's see if/when I hear from her, and then if it's feasible, we can call and make the offer.

  • I have paypal also. Perhaps we can use the brat paypal donation link and just specify what it is for. I think Paypal allows you to make some notes when you submit a payment. At least I'm pretty sure it can be setup that way.

    All we need to know is where to send the money. 🙂

  • @TuckerVA:

    I have paypal also. Perhaps we can use the brat paypal donation link and just specify what it is for. I think Paypal allows you to make some notes when you submit a payment. At least I'm pretty sure it can be setup that way.

    All we need to know is where to send the money. 🙂

    I've emailed Sharron and hope to hear something very soon!

    I'd really love to see this happen.

  • If Sharon or someone can contact BRAT and let them know we're coming, they can, I presume, simply give us a code (and I don't mean something from the Ovaltine Secret Decoder, something like "Pausin' on Clausin!") for the particuliar deal and let us know what it is. The donation to BRAT via credit card (through Network for Good) allows you to designate what the donation is for.

    It reads like this once you click the "Donate Now" button:

    "Designation (Optional)
    To designate your donation for a specific fund or purpose, please enter a description of how you'd like your donation to be used."

    I think this would be pretty simple. 🙂

  • Just so you guys know…I am pretty sure BRAT has an absolutely no purchase rule for rescuing dogs. So you may have to go about this a slightly different way, and have a non-BRAT related person purchase the dog, and then give it to BRAT.

    If BRAT got into the position of purchasing dogs, it could lead down a slippery slope of people holding their dogs hostage until rescue met their price, kwim? In fact, I think people that are surrendin dogs are encouraged to make a donation to help cover the cost of vetting and such.

    I am sure Sharron will clear this up. But I though I would give you a heads up.

  • And I still think you all if determined to buy this dog, call and offer a lower price….

  • I am willing to offer the lower price, but I need to have the money at hand in case she accepts the offer. I don't have $200 spare in my pocket to cover it.

    And I have a friend lined up to "buy" the dog; I didn't think Sharron {BRAT} would actually be able to take that step.

  • This may seem archaic - but can we not just all send you checks in the mail?

  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    This may seem archaic - but can we not just all send you checks in the mail?

    I have no problem with that personally except if the checks wind up lost in the mail {that is on my mind because in the last two weeks I've gotten three pieces of mail that was addressed to people who don't even live in my town; one was for a person in CA and I live in WA! That one was stuck to the flap of another envelope. }.

    And, most people, I'm sure, may be reluctant to send money to someone who is, in reality, a stranger.

    I suppose today I will call the gal, see if the dog is still available, tell her I may have a potential buyer, ask if she would consider a reduced price.

    I'll let you know…..

  • @JazzysMom:

    I have no problem with that personally except if the checks wind up lost in the mail {that is on my mind because in the last two weeks I've gotten three pieces of mail that was addressed to people who don't even live in my town; one was for a person in CA and I live in WA! That one was stuck to the flap of another envelope. }.

    And, most people, I'm sure, may be reluctant to send money to someone who is, in reality, a stranger.

    I suppose today I will call the gal, see if the dog is still available, tell her I may have a potential buyer, ask if she would consider a reduced price.

    I'll let you know…..

    That would be a good approach, IMO. If not available, maybe she will tell you who might have him.. and if not placed, maybe would be ready to take a lesser price. Especially if not neutered, as this will be extra cost..

  • I can overnight a check as soon as need be. Like you, I am an honest person but I know the reality is noone here knows me from a tree in the yard therefore trust is certainly an issue. 🙂 I DO have the money to cover the cost of the dog, so if she'll take credit, I will front the money if it's $250 or below. If the trust fails, then so be it. I will have made a donation to a cause that I feel is worthy. I could probably setup my paypal to accept payment as well, but I'm not sure how that works.

  • Well, personally I would not mind sending you a check. I mean, the way I see it, we are all just trying to save this dog - and I like to think people are trustworthy. Particularly since some of us have been on this forum for a while now… I mean, if a first time poster was heading this up, I would be hesitant, but I know you in particular have been here for some time, as have i, so I am fine with it.

    But if someone has a faster way, I'm for it. I know with paypal, the payer does not pay an extra fee, but the recipient does incur a fee...

  • I know my paypal accepts payments, only because I sold a guy some stuff once and he payed via PayPal. I don't even know how it works, LOL, he asked for my account name and voila! the money magically appeared.

    I'll call her later today and get back to you all before we decide if we need to go ahead and try this.

  • JazzysMom, are you sure BRAT will accept him? (Admittedly, I don't know how that process works.) Or are you willing to foster him 'til you find a home for him? Or give him a forever home yourself? (Sorry if I missed how this all was going to work.)

    I, too, would be willing to kick in $50.

    Kudos to you, JazzysMom!

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