Here is a question regarding a bitch in season.
At what age do bitches go into season generally. Is it after they are a year old or is it sooner.
Also, should I be training her to wear panties right now. God forbid…with her in season...our house will NOT look like it is too!
People have told me to just put blankets all over the place...I don't like that idea too much.
When Ruby was in season, it really was no big deal as far as any sort of mess. I was kind of surprised. She kept herself so clean the only places I ever saw blood were on her beds (removable covers), her crate blanket, and my comforter duvet (again removable) from while she was sleeping. There were a few spots on the wood floors, but otherwise, it really wasn't too bad. There was no way in heck Ruby would have ever stood for wearing any sort of pants so I didn't even try it.