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Basenji Growling & Aggression

Pinned Behavioral Issues
  • It is not common in well bred Basenjis that are properly socialized and trained from puppyhood, nor should it be acceptable. Yes, a Basenji can certainly take on a mind of its own and accordingly to the situation react to try and take charge of the situation. However, random attacks that are unprovoked are not normal or acceptable behavior. That said, many and most Basenjis can be leash aggressive particularly if the other dogs to not respect their space. Again.. IMO

  • I put this in the other thread about this, but I am moving it here since most replies seem to be here.


    They could be playing for 15 minutes and all is fine. Five minutes later, she snaps and wants to attack him. She has also snapped at my wife and bitten her a couple times.

    My 9-year-old terrier mix, Petey, has to be called away from play usually after about 2-5 minutes and work on calming exercises, because he gets easily over-amped, and crosses the line from play to aggression. Once he has calmed himself for a while, he can usually go back and play more, but has to be called away again in another 2-5 minutes. He has to be watched carefully at all times when playing.

    Also, sporting dogs, or gun dogs have a very distinctive play style, and they rarely seem to get the idea that not all dogs like the high contact, rough, physical play style of a retriever. Many other dogs can loose patience with the retriever play style.

    With the lung issues, long play may begin to become painful as your B gets winded and breathing becomes difficult, which may be another reason your B may need to be monitored closely, and only allowed to play for a short time.
    She may attack your retriever because she is associating the pain from the lung disease to him, since it get worse when they play.

    I would strongly suggest you keep them separated unless very closely monitored. We have also taught Petey that he can go to his crate when he needs to calm himself, and no one will be allowed to disturb him there. Even us.

    Lastly, and most importantly, make sure you get her thyroid checked, with a full thyroid pannel including TSH, T3 and thyroglobulin autoantibody, and get her checked for rickettsial diseases.

    I don't know if any of this will help, but I hope so.


  • @nkjvcjs:

    I put this in the other thread about this, but I am moving it here since most replies seem to be here.

    My 9-year-old terrier mix, Petey, has to be called away from play usually after about 2-5 minutes and work on calming exercises, because he gets easily over-amped, and crosses the line from play to aggression. Once he has calmed himself for a while, he can usually go back and play more, but has to be called away again in another 2-5 minutes. He has to be watched carefully at all times when playing.

    Also, sporting dogs, or gun dogs have a very distinctive play style, and they rarely seem to get the idea that not all dogs like the high contact, rough, physical play style of a retriever. Many other dogs can loose patience with the retriever play style.

    With the lung issues, long play may begin to become painful as your B gets winded and breathing becomes difficult, which may be another reason your B may need to be monitored closely, and only allowed to play for a short time.
    She may attack your retriever because she is associating the pain from the lung disease to him, since it get worse when they play.

    I would strongly suggest you keep them separated unless very closely monitored. We have also taught Petey that he can go to his crate when he needs to calm himself, and no one will be allowed to disturb him there. Even us.

    Lastly, and most importantly, make sure you get her thyroid checked, with a full thyroid pannel including TSH, T3 and thyroglobulin autoantibody, and get her checked for rickettsial diseases.

    I don't know if any of this will help, but I hope so.


    Nicole…you are awesome! Great points, and great post....your dogs are so lucky to have you :)

  • For those of you who battle with an aggressive Basenji, there is hope…...!

    -I grew up in a dog home. I have assisted in training LOTS of dogs, and mother bred yorkshire terriers. My husband never owned a dog growing up. This was our first experience together. We chose a basenji because I was an experienced dog owner and he is a behavioral consultant.
    My husband and I purchased a Basenji through a breeder in Florida. At the time of purchase she was 3 months old. Before the purchase I knew the dog had to be flown in to NY because I could not afford the drive down to pick her up. Upon picking her up at the airport, I learned that she was on a series of 3 Flights!! The breeder told me it was one straight flight - she also came covered in Fleas, larvae, & eggs, and had white paint blobs on her coat. So right away I knew I was dooped. I believe that the series of 3 flights tramautized my little one because even today at a year old she is terrified of loud noises, and sirens.
    -There is always an adjustment period for a puppy however our Nia was showing ALOT of aggressiveness towards EVERYONE! It was so disturbing that we were very close to sending her back two weeks later when her behaviors were not changing. She would snarl, growl, and bite at anyone besides myself. So I knew she saw me as her alfa. HOWEVER, this is not OK! We saw two behavior consultants about her behaviors and neither could give us a solid answer. So we took the best of both worlds and adjusted the training to what the pup needed.
    -One thing with aggressive dogs is they NEED to KNOW their LIMITS! Limits for basenji's I have learned is ENDLESS!! They see the world as their oyster.
    The trainings were as followed:
    -We used her intellegence as the stepping stone. We started by keeping her on a leash in the house AT ALL TIMES! We began teaching her basic commands such as look, sit, stay, come, paw, paws up, lay down, roll over, crawl, etc. We taught her one new trick a day, and made sure she got LOTS of exercise. I noticed when she hasn't gotten her fill of exercise during the day she was more prone to being aggressive. SO TIRE THEM OUT! When she proved she could listen in the house without me having to chase her is when I took the leash off in the house.
    -House training her was easy as long as you are consistent. We brought her out every two hours and rewarded her directly after she went. Eventually she put two & two together. accidents can happen when they are excited (like any puppy)
    -OUR BIGGEST PROBLEM was with her aggressive behaviors. To overcome this it took MAJOR consistency on our part. We socialized her by having random people come by the house. When they enter the home we had them completely IGNORE the dog! Basenji's like being the center of attention (but on their command) SO, what this created was the dogs WANT to be pet, or payed attention to. If you go to pet an aggressive dog when they dont want to be pet, your asking to be bit.
    -For the most part that worked. *if She did go to bite, we used three techniques depending on the severity of the aggression. (ONE KEY POINT IS-You want to get rid of the bite, not the growl) the growl is the pre-curser to the bite. SO, if she was on the leash, you can easily teach her to walk away by guiding her into another room. OR who she growled out would take the leash (only if they are comfortable)! This shows the dog that whoever is holding the leash is in control! instead of the other way around.
    If the person isn[t comfortable with that, the dog went in the cage for a time out. (The CAGE was our SAVING grace! - It tells the dog…. U need a time out!) The third technique we used was more aggresive on our part. *she still goes after my husband on occasion and this is how we have lessend the occurance. WE HOLD HER DOWN on the floor! It seems really cruel at first because she made all sorts of noises to make you think you could be hurting her BUT YOU ARE NOT! REmember they are manipulaters! We have made large strides with this technique. Everything with Nia is putting the world in an alfa system. This reminds her that she is alfa to NO ONE in the house! and it WORKS! Only when she is injured, ill, or extra tired will she growl now.
    -NOW we can have as many people at the house as we want. When she is getting over zealous, we give her time away in her cage. She has also learned that if you don't want to be pet, walk away, or go in your bed. And we respect that if she is in her bed, we do not pet her. I respect her space.
    This way we are being PRO-active. Anticipating what could make her bite.
    -As far as other dogs go- this was a VERY long training for us. And we are still continuing it today. At first we couldnt walk her without her being paranoid. She turned around a thousand times to watch people/dogs walk by. etc. This is when we got a choke collar. Or a chain link collar it is called. As cruel as it sounds, IT WORKS! What you try to encourage is her to either look at you by using the "look" command and rewarding her when she does. Or continue to walk away and let her do the pulling, do not pull on the leash.
    EVENTUALLY after 9 months of training she has finally got it! YEY! (we ran into trouble for so long because this is the only dog I have EVER known to refuse a treat.... even her ultimate rewards!! She doesnt' eat anything when she is anxious!! So we had to be really creative! Now she can finally go for walks without worrying where that person or dog on the street is going.
    -When it came to meeting other dogs face to face Nia was EXTREMELY aggressive. We bought a muzzle. This helped for the initial greeting. (and with the vet) We used the walk away technique from our other trainings. We would let her smell the other dog for 1 second, then walk her away. If that was successful without a growl, we would go back for a second greeting. However, to this day the technique that worked best is: When we want her to meet another dog (like a friends dog) we set up a "play date" we meet at a park (neutral ground no domination of property) and we simply take a walk together in the park. Eventually Nia became so curious that she started smelling the other dog cautiosly. After a couple of times walking together. That eventually became playful. We still use this technique with friends dogs. Now that I know she has learned self-confidence and maturity we have began bringing her to dog parks, and she LOVES it. She loves the freedom off of the leash. I keep close by just incase. But I know now she looks to me for that reassurance that she is doing well.
    -She is still iffy with strangers (people and dogs) and I dont' think I can ever trust her 100%. (and I do not trust her at all around children) but we have made leaps and bounds to where she was originally.
    -In my opinion the owner has to educate themselves and become SUPER responsible. You need to stay on top of them, do not let them roam the house alone until they are old enough to handle the responsibilty. They become bored VERY quickly and destroy anything that is underwear, strings, stuffing, etc. So try to keep them in line. Its like a teenager. THey will push their limits and THEY KNOW which of your buttons to push if you are not paying attention to them. It has been a long 9 months for us but I am so glad we decided to keep her. She has enriched our lives, and is now growing into a responsible, adult dog, with our guidance. It is how you train them! and learn to love their comedic personality! Please don't hesitate to conact me with any further questions!

  • We have two male basenjis. One is two and one is seven months. They were great together until one week ago. Now everytime they see each other they fight. If I dont seperate them they will fight to the death. We got the older dog neutered two days ago and the seven month old goes in this wednesday to get fixed. What can I do to get these dogs to get along with each other? I need help.

  • That is the problem many times with two males. And as they say, it works till it doesn't, especially when both are not neutered. The one that you just had neutered or the one that you are going to have done, will not lose the hormones for a while, doesn't just happen over night.

    I would wonder what the situation was that started the fighting? It is not usual that there were not signs before an incident? And if they are really fighting to the "death" it is going to be very difficult (IMO) to get them back together.

    One thing you might do is to keep them separated for now, but take them on walks together. And be sure you are the leader and that they listen to you and not focus on each other. Slowly work back to seeing if they will once again get along together

    Have you talked to the breeder of either Basenji?

  • Thank you so much for your feed back it is very much appreciated. That is exactly what we have been told is to try and re-introcuce them a little at a time with walks about two weeks after their proceedures. We really hope that works as we are so in love with both and would be lost with out either one.

    The older Basenji we rescued at 7 months so we dont know much about the breeder only that he is a pure bred. We did find out however that he has fanconi. We almost lost him to the disease a few times but after extensive research about it he is now a very healty boy due a special diet we have him on.

    The younger one came to our family this past February, we obtained him directly from the breeder and thank goodness he was fanconi free. The breeder has kept in touch with us checking on him periodically so I will contact her and see what more if any information she might be able to share.

    Our fingers are crossed that they will be back to bieng brothers again no matter how much work has to be done with the wonderful advise we have been given. Thank you so much!

  • I actually just thought of something. Our neighbor has 3 dogs two male's and one female that I know has not been spayed. Is it possible that she is in heat which is causing this suddent issue?

  • @belloknight36d:

    I actually just thought of something. Our neighbor has 3 dogs two male's and one female that I know has not been spayed. Is it possible that she is in heat which is causing this suddent issue?

    Yes it can, for sure…. and since it will take the hormone's a while to settle down.... it may continue to be a problem. Add to that if the males next door are in-tact... that can add to your problem.... As they say, "love" the one your with... or in the case of Basenjis when they can't get to what they want, they wind up fighting with each other....

    Sorry to hear that your boy has Fanconi. Is it on Dr. Gonto's protocol? And have you had a full thyroid panel done on him? Many Fanconi dogs have Thyroid issues and they can cause a sudden change in temperament.

  • I would think that you are spot-on about the change in their behavior, because all dogs, especially basenjis,have a great sense of smell and know about the local "darling"…. :)

    I have two basenji girls that got along fabulously, but suddenly started to snark at each other. It quickly escalated to nasty fighting. When this happened, I asserted myself as the dominant female- separated both of them, told them NO! They both calmed down. As soon as I possible, I would take them for a RUN, with me being the leader. At the beginning of the runs, the smaller one would try to nip at the other one's neck, but I'd pull her leash and run faster. The two girls settled into a running pattern and I used my voice to reaffirm the good behavior. I'd also stop along the route with milk bones, tell them "TREATS", and to give them both a chance to socialize and eat along the way. It seemed to work, because after 2 days of snarking, they returned to being better in the house. :)

    Stay patient. ;)

  • i have 2 boys Jimmie and Jasper and 1 female. Gracie, Jimmie is 5 and the Jasper is 2. we have had issues with boys trying to establish dominance over each other, both are fixed. it seems there will be a squirmish and usually gracie get to the boys and breaks them up before i can reach Jasper to grab him as he will keep at it if i grab Jimmie then its all peace love and cuddling together on the couch until the next little erruption a couple of weeks later. I don't know why this happens, maybe its is a case of boys will be boys. it looks ferocious. but thank goodness no bloodshed. Good luck with your two!

  • Our boys took there fight to bloodshed. Not serious but enough to separate them. We have now had both neautered. It has only been one week but the older boy still growles at the eight month old. They have been separated for a week. How long before we start to introduce them back together? Keeping them separated is extreemly though.

  • I hate to say it, but I think it is going to be a long haul to get them back together. Usually males will "get over it" pretty quickly and go back to getting along, more ofter then bitches who never forget… (usually). But it sounds like one of your boys really has a new dislike for the other....

    If you are a good leader, then you should start walks right away... best to have two people, one for each dog, unless you have done Obedience training and have good control with walking them.

  • yes i agree the boys do get over it sooner than the girls ( why is that), our 2 boys had to be seperated at dinner time after japser came home. thankfully that only lasted approx 2 weeks, all 3 really do get along quite well now…. it was quite an adjustment when jasper came along as he was much younger that the other 2 at the time,,,, all is well in our household...chin up it does get better...:)

  • Thank you for this post. I'm in a similar postition and I'm doing all you suggest except for the lead in the house. I'm glad that you have also used the rollover method in extreme times as it does have it's uses in such situations although many consider it to be cruel and useless. When I roll my dog over and he calms I tickle his stomach and believe he does not see this as an humiliating process. The oddest thing here is that the agression is directed at people and not other dogs he meets on walks. He loves the company of other dogs and howls when they leave. We're determined to get there with him.

  • Shock collars are never a good idea, IMO. Also, the "alpha dog" training, like that used by Cesar Milan, holding them down to show you're boss, etc., doesn't work with Basenjis. Someone I had walk my dog for a while tried this with Shaye, and the only result was that she would never want to be around her. Trying to train a basenji using force is counterproductive, from what I've seen. Treats, bonding and distraction - when anything works, those work best for mine - usually - of course, sometimes nothing works if she's in a mood.

  • I agree with you, but once again I'm not talking about training, I'm talking about agressive behaviour that is unexpected and surprising with no apparent reason. We love our dog but it's hard to carry on being bitten and not play biting either.

  • Hello, I am new here and have really one question. Let me give a little info. Our basenji (Harley) is almost 5 yrs of age. He has never had any aggression problems until a few months ago. It started before we got 2 new puppies (female mixed breed mutts). He actually has bitten my husband luckily on the boot but it did puncture through. He has also acted like he was going to bite me but no skin contact. I know some dogs go bad and I do NOT want to have to put him down, we have a grandchild on the way. He has never been treated badly always a good boy until 8 months ago. What I want to know is will getting him neutered make this aggression go away? tia

  • @prchrsgirl:

    Our basenji (Harley) is almost 5 yrs of age. He has never had any aggression problems until a few months ago. It started before we got 2 new puppies (female mixed breed mutts).
    I know some dogs go bad and I do NOT want to have to put him down

    Dogs do not "go bad." Really. I promise.

    Get a full medical check up, particularly have a full thyroid panel sent off to reputable place (ie not your vet!) like Michigan. Yes, get him neutered. YES, protectiveness and issues over the new pups could be a contributing cause (please tell me they are both spayed because you need to do that IMMEDIATELY if not!!!!).

    But please, do not think a dog "goes bad" and had to be destroyed like outdated jug of milk. If this dog was good for 5 yrs, then his health or things you changed in the environment need to be checked, tweaked and fixed.

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    Dogs do not "go bad." Really. I promise.

    Get a full medical check up, particularly have a full thyroid panel sent off to reputable place (ie not your vet!) like Michigan. Yes, get him neutered. YES, protectiveness and issues over the new pups could be a contributing cause (please tell me they are both spayed because you need to do that IMMEDIATELY if not!!!!).

    But please, do not think a dog "goes bad" and had to be destroyed like outdated jug of milk. If this dog was good for 5 yrs, then his health or things you changed in the environment need to be checked, tweaked and fixed.

    Thank you for your reply. The puppies will get spayed as soon as old enough. But he did go after one of them. Although he does not act like this all the time, maybe a couple times a week. I am not sure we can afford a thyroid check up until after the holidays. But that is something I will save for. Thank you again

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